Author Topic: Switching diodes  (Read 6588 times)

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Switching diodes
« on: March 17, 2010, 20:34:44 pm »
Please have a look at tis website

Maybe we can learn some of this


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Re: Switching diodes
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 22:19:29 pm »
I think I can help with this a little bit... First, I would like to ask a question. How do you step charge a capacitor? For example, I have a 400V capacitor and a 12V power source AC or DC. How can I charge the capacitor to the 400V with only a 12V source?

Give up? A 'Charge Pump"!

A charge pump is what Stan used with his VIC's. It works much better with the chokes than without. A super easy experiment with a battery, diode, and high voltage capacitor can show this step charge effect using a simple multimeter to measure. You will see the voltage rise with each pulse of power to the cap through a diode. Or, use some chokes and see the same effect. It's all in the capacitance...

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Re: Switching diodes
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 23:05:07 pm »
A cool video demonstrating the idea...

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Re: Switching diodes
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2010, 21:50:31 pm »
A cool video demonstrating the idea...

Nice vids from this person, Bubz.

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Re: Switching diodes
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2010, 00:15:20 am »
I think I can help with this a little bit... First, I would like to ask a question. How do you step charge a capacitor? For example, I have a 400V capacitor and a 12V power source AC or DC. How can I charge the capacitor to the 400V with only a 12V source?

Give up? A 'Charge Pump"!

A charge pump is what Stan used with his VIC's. It works much better with the chokes than without. A super easy experiment with a battery, diode, and high voltage capacitor can show this step charge effect using a simple multimeter to measure. You will see the voltage rise with each pulse of power to the cap through a diode. Or, use some chokes and see the same effect. It's all in the capacitance...

I would like to add a comment here for you, Since I have a few min's to spare this moment. I know some may get tired of hearing it but I'll go on with it anyways, So if this post offends anyone just ignore it, For the others read on.

1. Atom
2. Fluorescent lamp
3. Lasers
4. Lifters, (UFO)
5. Static (Charged electrons/Protons.)
6. Magnetics
7. Under some circumstances A vacuum, Found in magnetrons.

As you can see, All these atoms are alike meaning they can take on a charge, When these atoms take on a charge you may also notice they (Do things.) For example.

1. Lasers emit photons in the form of light (that is visible to us.) Some Performance of certan atoms (Can't Be seen.)
2. The Fluorescent lamp emits Light from its charged, (Ionized)
3. Lifters, These affected atoms can be seen moving wire and aluminum upward, These atoms creates an upward lift, (work)
4. Static, electrons gain a charge, The work created can make (electricity) as work. For example, Buff the scratches out of a scratched CD with a WOOL buff wheel to feel its (Nasty Jolt.) Gase at the electricity weaving the Cd while buffing.
5. Magnetics, however created can (Drive the atoms behavior.) Like the Magnetron guides the electrons to the food, Rather than out the other end.
6. Ionized atoms in the vacuum of a magnetron can Cook food, Heating of the water molecule. (Heat Work.)

As you can see, Voltage across an atom has many effects,, Some effects can be seen, Some can not,, Only examined, Like looking at the lifters effect.

Voltage Potential across the water molecule has been proved to cook food, The magnetron puts Alternating voltage fields across the water, (Its Effect can be only noticed) because it cooks the food, The water Cooks the food as the water gets hot.

Atoms can do many things depending on how the atom is charged, OR, If you piss the atom off by swinging it back and forth to many times it becomes heated, Allthough the (Charge) from the magnetron would not be of any good without the (Magnets) directing the field to the inside of the microwave other than the outside.

A Mot, Microwave oven transformer operates at 60 hertz, Not Microwaves. The 60 hertz is taken from the wall outlet and converted into a much higher frequency. The secondary winding of the MOT is made to ((((((((Resonate)))))))) with the (Magnetron) threw the (Chokes) which create an alternation of electron flow, A back and forth motion that heats the atoms. If the back and forth motion is removed,,, and a Direct motion is sustained the atoms would behave differently, They would no longer heat due to friction they would ( separate .)

The goal of the mater is not consuming any current flow threw the water itself, It is applying a voltage Field across the water, at the proper freq. For this, SS Plates is not really needed to show the effect. Electrons shouldn't be passed threw the water, They shouldn't be passed at all. The amp consuming component in the system shall be

For Example;

1. Amp meter to the microwave MOT transformer to the wall outlet, Measure current flow there.
++ Do Not measure Current flow from the (Magnetron) to the water, Theres no where to clamp a meter you see?

2. Amp meter to Primary of Meyer VIC. You can't place an amp meter (TO THE TERMINAL CONNECTED TO THE FUEL CELL.) -------- (THERE IS NO CURRENT FLOW) There is (NOT suppost to be Current Flow.)

There shall be NO electrons flowing threw the fuel cell terminal, That terminals main function is to (deliver) a voltage (Potential.) Once you Gain a voltage Potential,, (Dynoden) it must keep getting (Bigger,) To the point the water, (Pulls apart.)

Opposites attract, Alike repel. Charge a foil view its behavior.

To make Potential, Possible... A choke of the right core must be used. If the water isn't comming apart perhaps the voltage still isn't high enough,, (Cold Process) that isn't amp dependent.

Perhaps, The Charge is getting away from the water, Assuming the magnetron had no magnetic Guides. Perhaps its an option to use a magnet in a fuel cell to help direct the potential.

Once the Molecule becomes charged,, (You can see (Work) in the form of bubbles) Unlike the laser where you see it in the form of light.

It would be very difficult to design a microwave oven to pull water apart, (Rather than Alternating) the molecule causing heat due to (Friction.) Eliminate the alternation and you eliminate heat. Once you do this,, (Frequency of choke) doesn't seem to matter, But as we all know..

Opposites attract and alikes repel. We clearly have a problem... This is where the (frequency comes in) of DC pulses rather than Alternating pulses.

The Greater charge of the molecule,, (The stronger its bond.) So why Charge the water molecule,,, Perhaps at a certain (Time) there is a Brief Polarity change of the vic? (Burst Train) small but effective.

If you had 1 water molecule, and it was normal charge was 10 volts just sitting there... And you some way charged it with a DC polarity of 100000k volts, (Opposites attract.) The bond would be greater.

What could you do to cause the bond to,,, explode away? How could you tell the (Positive charged) Hydrogen atom to Repel the (Negative Charged) Oxygen atom? (Opposites)  Think!

( ) Drop the hammer!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 00:37:54 am by Warp »

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Blocking diode vs. switching diode
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2013, 15:57:49 pm »
Ok, new life into this subject.
Have you ever noticed that Meyer used 2 different type of descriptions for the diode in the VIC schematics?
Have a look at the two drawings attached.

As Hardkrome pointed out, my 2 cents are that the switching diode must been seen as a SCR diode.....
