Author Topic: marko rodin explaining his rodin coil  (Read 22579 times)

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Re: marko rodin explaining his rodin coil
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2010, 01:21:40 am »
well if i understand this question correctly,
i would say its a mix of volts and field..
volts are providing a electric pressure and also a emiitted field (the condensing of a net charge pos or neg emits a field) ..   commonly known as emf.

now as for rodins work the question is..
is there a better geometry of interaction for the potential (volts) and its traveling emf that doesnt degrade the syncronousity of the electron spin and by doing so takes away uneeded disipation from within the coil it self.. which is where all the heat comes from and loss known in todays electric components... not only that but the coils geometry being based off nature it self taps into the dynamics of the electrons flowing in space itself..  all in all as rodin says can create a mini black hole..

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Re: marko rodin explaining his rodin coil
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2010, 20:57:27 pm »
i wound a rodin coil a lil while and took a neo sphere 1 inch magnet.. i cut open a little 1.25 inch plastic ball and placed the magnet within the balstic ball then used my soder iron weld the plastic shut.. then i drilled a hole in the plastic ball and injected the plastic ball with ferro fluid.. so all in all i have a rodin coil with a permanent magnet sphere submered in ferrofluid..   

my rodin coil has 2 inductors wound in a cetain geometrical arrangment.. i used 18 gauge.. and 7 rounds around the torus..  about 32 feet per inductor.. 

i have been placing the coil on a tv i never use and oberving the way 2 channels change the magnetic field.. and also mono..  its pretty physcidelic looking.. will be filming a video in the near future to show some visual characteristics..

i have another one with 36awg and 27 rounds that i will being seeing how the 2 couple each other

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Re: marko rodin explaining his rodin coil
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2010, 20:59:28 pm »

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Re: marko rodin explaining his rodin coil
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2010, 06:53:30 am »
in the tree pics you see some experimenting with the rodin coil i explained above.. there is a 1 inch neo sphere magnet in the center with ferro fluid incapsuled in a plastic ball..   as i scan though frequencys i seem to find phase locks at multiple frequencys that are close to the multiple of 60 hz....   as i scann you see blurry wave sets (tc screen showing magnatism.. traveling down the screen then they slow down and clearify at a certain frequency when it reachest the most clearest point the waves are no longer traveling down the screen but are locked in a position ever so slightly moving and you see the inner colors changing colors back and forth almost like they are breathing (slowly)...    if i were to contune to scan past that point then you would see the waves travel up the screen rather then down.. they will speed up as i scan and slow down again just to do the same thing all over again at a higher frequency...  in the pics i have the ampitude turn down low if i were to crank it up it would give me locked sharp rise times.. im gonna make some videos tomorrow and try to get them on you tube..
