Hello Steve,
Sorry for delay of reply bt I'm working hard on water system, from no more days you can see with your eyes... as written in EF Meyer or government have written wrong nformation inside patents for preserve that "SIMPLE" technology.. My italian friend have see functional water cars from italian government but they ask .. no ready for use now maybe from 20years.. My friend collaborate with me to that project but after see that have stopped all.. I don't know really why.. but explaination is I have lost 2 years and is all ready . Personally I think that governement have old water ca that don't run completely to water or maybe my friend have see meyer car
. In all cases I have continued to working on that project and I have found solution, true solution not dream. And can be ready NOW!! We can't continue to live in an world consumed from wars and pollution. Green energy is need now not from 20 years. For that I have decided to modify an car, transform that to water gas and present the video to the world .. Thanks for read me...