Author Topic: Resonance WFC  (Read 71506 times)

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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #72 on: April 04, 2011, 17:16:35 pm »

Thanks for posting the disintegration pdf.  I'll be studying it because I've got a nice tube cell in RO water with kv high voltages at resonance and have systematically tried hundreds of permutations of pulse train length, gating length, etc and am stuck with what I still think is normal electrolysis.
again,  much obliged.


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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #73 on: April 04, 2011, 17:25:13 pm »

Thanks for posting the disintegration pdf.  I'll be studying it because I've got a nice tube cell in RO water with kv high voltages at resonance and have systematically tried hundreds of permutations of pulse train length, gating length, etc and am stuck with what I still think is normal electrolysis.
again,  much obliged.

Are you sure, you have equal but opposite voltage at the chokes, for tuning it into resonant action?


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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #74 on: April 04, 2011, 17:41:57 pm »

yep, using the 8xa circuit with 4.62H each side on toroid, equal length wire, 1.7KV peak to peak as I type, res at three distinct frequency spots...  highest is at 11.75khz

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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2011, 17:42:52 pm »
hey webmug, right on, this is where stans famous statement, restrict the amps and allow voltage to take over, comes into play, with amps flowing through the water the voltage can not grab onto the water and oscillate it, first amps must be completely cut off, then, and only then, with even 7 volts or around there, really low, as he mentioned in the 661 patent, the water can be set to oscillate between the plates, and be broken apart. Higher voltage just means the "amplitude" of the oscialltions is increased, more force.

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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2011, 18:32:05 pm »

yep, using the 8xa circuit with 4.62H each side on toroid, equal length wire, 1.7KV peak to peak as I type, res at three distinct frequency spots...  highest is at 11.75khz
I doubted that with equal length of wire for the chokes you created equal en opposite voltage. It is peak to peak choke A and peak to peak choke B and voltage choke B is 180 degrees shifted seen at choke A. So maximum potential of equal voltage but opposite to each other is formed between exciters at the same time.
Choke B has lower potential as choke A. How that is can be due the magnetic coupling or plate capacitance area at the resonant cell POS and NEG exciters. But that's my guess...

« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 15:19:16 pm by webmug »

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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2011, 18:44:20 pm »
Why has Stan used a 3 inch long resonant cavity? Any ideas?


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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2011, 19:45:39 pm »

I said it was a 8xa choke, simple bifilar, no disagreement, at 10 volts in seeing 800v ptp at tube on oscope....   higher voltages in produces higher ptp volts but as you know amps creep in... and normal electrolysis

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Re: Resonance WFC
« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2011, 20:05:56 pm »
I believe the resonance stan mean is called nuclear magnetic resonance, it happens on ortho water molecules due to the fact it has a spin of one while para molecules has no spin. When you inject a photon into the atom you create a resonance much like those in aromatic carbon rings, when the atom get exited it than collapses and emit another photon. I believe there will be an specific frequency.

Basically the atoms must be in a magnetic field and must receive energy in the wavelength needed to allow it to be absorbed. Probably UV and IR are the best options.

I think that to start the process we need to inject some photons to the energy to get started so we can populate the bath with energized atoms.

The acceleration of the atoms in the bath will emit waves, that can have enough energy...

To allow the atoms to collapse the field must be interrupted. (gate) This is the only way you can make the atoms to reestablish the equilibrium and emit the absorbed energy.

Energy in a electric field is said to exchange moment with the atoms thru exchange of photons.

If we make water to get positively ionized to explode and strike it with enough energy, a process of beta decay is what can happens with the liberation of electrons or positrons from the nucleus constituent sub particles (fermions).

Basically water has lot of chemical energy in the form of heat yet liquid, but it is apprisioned in the spin of the ortho water.

I'm trying to understand this further. 

Facts about resonance: subatomic particles,as discussed in subatomic particle (physics): Stable and resonant hadrons:
These very-short-lived particles are called “resonant” because they are observed as a resonance phenomenon; they are too short-lived to be observed in any other way (see the figure). Resonance occurs when a system absorbs more energy than usual because the energy is being supplied at the system’s own natural frequency. For example, soldiers break step when they cross a bridge...

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« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 06:06:12 am by sebosfato »