Stanley Meyer > Stan Meyers demo cell system

Error in Stans Gas production

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--- Quote from: newguy on October 29, 2012, 16:43:42 pm ---
--- Quote from: Dynodon on January 16, 2010, 22:35:31 pm ---when the buggy was idling in the driveway,he states 13.5 psi, 5 volts and 2 amps to the rotor.The gages are hooked to the rotor of the alternator,and has no refference to the volts on the cell.

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In all fairness he stated " Able to * maintain * 13.5 psi " that appeared to be as the buggy was running.Also if memeory serves correct the tube cell was clear of any white cloud indicating alltho mainting 13.5 psi the cell was under enuff vaccum to pull the cloud out and build enuff preasure to maintain 13.5 psi.Would be nice to know the diameter of his gas out tube and the engine vaccum at idle of the buggy we could possibly determine how much gas he was actually using to idle the buggy.But did he have a modified throttle body allowing more or less engine vaccum?

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I think i understand what Stan said. I ran my first engine on hho with help of the vacuum of the engine, but with pressure in the cell.
The engine sucks in, but i closed the outlet valve in such a way, that i always kept a minimum of 0,5bar in the cell.


as far as i understand the engine vacuum only was used to draw air in...

stan used the pressure inside the cell as a mean to maintain stable production i mean enough gas to jump into the engine for accelerating, because the reaction on the cell was not instantaneous maybe at the time.


--- Quote from: Donaldwfc on April 17, 2010, 02:14:19 am ---It eliminates the opposing magnetic field problem because on one layer the coils do not move move, just the secondary, then on the next layer the secondary stays still and the coils move, so you never have magnetic fields moving against each other - just the secondary moving relative to the coils, where the coils alternate between north south north south, so yes, it does do exactly as he says and eliminate a lot of problems with the conventional car alternator, and in particular it he designed it to be a "current limiting voltage source" with "power isolation" where a "pulsed input results in a pulsed output" and he even talks about it being used to control a car accelerator.

It's all right there, if you want to read it. This is a rotary vic.

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HI Donaldwfc
Can you explain to my how to do coil alternator correctly to your words:
"It eliminates the opposing magnetic field problem because on one layer the coils do not move move, just the secondary, then on the next layer the secondary stays still and the coils move, so you never have magnetic fields moving against each other - just the secondary moving relative to the coils, where the coils alternate between north south north south"
I cant understand it . Thank for ansver.


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