even if you think that stan is still alive you should still be respectfull of his family and others and stop saying his cold dead lifeless body it just not polite
W/E ... Stan or Stephen wont be reading these posts .
I need to be sure that he died the way they say he did .
Man, what is going to change for you, if you know it? You don't believe he was poisoned? I'm almost completely sure. Do you know why? Because i'm sure that his system works! And i can say, you should not find out about his death. Think about if he had a kind of life stile like trying to save the world, while people didn't helped him like he thought they should. And if he just said, oh boy i don't want to have to continue living being the water car inventor and at the same time being a failure because of the inability to release it, because also of the threats. Maybe he still alive and have faked his death, to try to live a "normal" life. Big deal. What do you think, that you are going to find him? You wont. If he was able to invent the wfc, he is also able to disappear too, so forget about this and let his secretes to rest in peace. Living or not living, the important is that his ideas will remain alive forever.
So again, I can ask you a favor, Please don't touch the past! you will find very terrible surprises, and probably takes out an history that must remain secret. Respect Stan He really deserves.
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