Stanley Meyer > Stan Meyers demo cell system

Error in Stans Gas production

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I have been meaning to put this down,but keep forgetting with everything else going on.
Warp pointed this out a while back and I felt the same way and suggested a simple test.
Stan states that he was producing 7 psi a minute.And that for every one psi he gets one litre of gas in a one litre cavity space.
My friend and I did a test.We pressurized a one litre cavity to 15 psi,knowing that atmoshere pressure is 14.7.Then the pressurized one litre cavity was released into an inverted bottle water test.
It only filled the bottle once exactly.
So to make one litre a minute with a cavity of one litre volume,you will need to pressurize it to 14.5 psi.
So what does this mean?
Stan's demo cell was only producing @ 500 cc per minute!!!

This changes alot! But it still works out better than faraday,but not by much.We calculated 104% efficientcy.


Well I am gonna say this again , the only thing keeping this research alive for me is the fact that xogen seems to be doing it without any special ceramic , otherwise I would be tempted to believe that Meyers was somekind of Band-aid for the Puharich method . Now once I get absolute confirmation that xogen does it , I will be much more releaved . Who is Stephen Chambers , was he a relative of Meyers or an business partner ?

I will refer to the discussion on

Hi Dankie,

My understanding is that Stephen Chambers is Stan and Stephen Meyer's brother-in-law.  I can't cite an exact reference but I seem to have read it somewhere.

Dynodon,  what you report has been confirmed by others.  There are other problems in the Technical Brief as well like omitting the neutron in doing calculations with atomic weights.  The neutron is relevant.



--- Quote from: handyandy on January 15, 2010, 17:46:30 pm ---Hi Dankie,

My understanding is that Stephen Chambers is Stan and Stephen Meyer's brother-in-law.  I can't cite an exact reference but I seem to have read it somewhere.

Dynodon,  what you report has been confirmed by others.  There are other problems in the Technical Brief as well like omitting the neutron in doing calculations with atomic weights.  The neutron is relevant.


--- End quote ---

Yes I also heard that , from forums and unofficial sources .

It would be an coincidence that both are unrelated .

From the Interview he made , he seems to has been too or lived in  or is living in Canada .

i think  where stan really shows effeciency is when he combines a ressonant water cavity with a electrical particle generator... using the expanding gas to drive a turbine that drives a magnetic gas that drives the cell... a system like this stan claims runs until it runs out of fuel (water)... and u dont have to burn your fuel to produce the gas...


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