build a healing device! be able to regenerate cells to become healthier
Well, i must make a change in mind set here.
Its your own body who is doing the work. Not the device.
Thats why 90% of the 50 tested persons showed the same issue of becoming very tired in the first 1 or 2 weeks, when they had the device.
That was because the body needed lots of energy to regenerate......
Alan, i am not a dokter. I trully dont no if such a device can cure your illness.
I do have seen people having trouble, like a secretairy loosing here hair, because she couldnot handle the magfield of the computer monitor.
In 2 weeks. No hair losses anymore.
I also sold one to a person who was a Radar engineer by the airforce.
His boons where breaking down, because his body didnt make calcium anymore.
His body was fried, so to speak. Doctors gave up on him. I am very proud to say that he is cured.......
Againm i didnt do that test. That was done by 2 doctors in this homeopath field. Done on 50 persons. 95% reacted positieve. NON negatieve.
To make the device, it costed me 2 days. I asked like 400 dollars for it.
In a nice box. Very professional.
Any way. It costed me too much time and it didnt bring much money. Ordering 1000 pieces made in taiwan or china was not possible for me to do.
I still have all the plans, boxes, pcb's etc...