Author Topic: Bob Beck Protocol  (Read 23965 times)

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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2010, 16:33:53 pm »
Interesting stuff Steve!
I have read up on Rife but was scheptical.  When you look at the way he was taken out, you think; Maybe its true if this story is true.

Can you elabolate on the project?

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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2010, 17:02:24 pm »
Interesting stuff Steve!
I have read up on Rife but was scheptical.  When you look at the way he was taken out, you think; Maybe its true if this story is true.

Can you elabolate on the project?

On request of a Homeopathman, i have developed an health device.
Its a very small device that transmits a frequency similar to the earth resonance frequency. No wires needed. (no mag coils..)

Its the same frequency that a human body needs to regenerate, during its sleep cycle.
It has been proven. A small academic research was done.
All in favour of my device. I have seen people being curred from terrible illnesses with help of this device.
Its simple on / off. It has a reach of 15 meters.
If you are in range, then all your body cells will be rememberd about their basic frequency for re-generation. And all nasty disturbing frequency's like 50/60hz, or cellphones, or whatever you can think of, will not have influence on the human body.

This is not a spooky unknown science. I talk about a technology which you can measure. Measuring is believing, is it.

Device off: total body health state was around 70%
Device on: total body health state wend up with 30%

I was so amazed about this. Its for real. All cells in the human body have different frequencys. But all need the same frequency from the earth to regenerate.

Rife found out that virsusses had their own frequency and if you match that frequency with an outside source, the cell would turn into resonance and blow it self up.

My device was developed for heath purpose and is very fine tuned.
If i would add a different frequency, like on matching your brain, to make your mind trouble, then it also work.
This technology is one of the many that the USA and Russia have and they not talk about. But sometimes, you can find some about it.
They use it as smart weapons.

Now you know how i got involved in all this Stan Meyer stuff.....
A human body is water. Puharich also came to the HHO research from his blood research. Same technology apply's.


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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2010, 18:39:01 pm »
Steve, that work sounds amazing, would you care to make this technology available to us on this forum so we can learn about it, build it, try it, and share it with the world?

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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2010, 21:19:16 pm »
thuis site has some interesting devices they are out of canada.. one of them is called the bio tuner which bob beck speaks of in some videos..

i got my cotton flannel for my electrodes today decided to throw it on and give it a shot...  i think im gonna call it thumpy lol.. gives a steady thump full blast in your palm.. today i used it for 15 min.. tomorow i will goto 30 then 45 then 1 hour all they way to 2 hours a day for 30 days.. cant wait to get some silver wire so i can drink lots of colloid.. i have known about colloid silver for some time now before donald informed me of bob becks work.. there was a guy on oprah that had cancer and cured himself with it.. he said he drank lots of it and it actually turned him blue..

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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2010, 00:05:59 am »
the blue guy is fake, to scare people away

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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2010, 00:30:02 am »
i dont know don.. he was saying it cured his illness and he felt great but it gave him a blue tint...

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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2010, 00:34:48 am »
i really love the way all the old mythology falls into this.. for instance ask yourself how do they say you get rid of vampires? garlic, wooden cross silver stakes.. vampires are parisites that thrive on your blood..  what about weirwolves? silver bullets...  what is dracula allways tryng to do? create life with lightning...(electric)

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Re: Bob Beck Protocol
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2010, 16:07:33 pm »
Steve, that work sounds amazing, would you care to make this technology available to us on this forum so we can learn about it, build it, try it, and share it with the world?

What do you wanna do with such info?
