Anyone read the Quantum keys book from Lindemann and Aaron? I heard from a friend a terrible story: They urge you to hook up your mind to theirs every week so they can tap you off of your information in case you have some.....
Well, mind control is what they are after and their employer should be obvious to anyone in here...
Fact is they never presented anything functional in 30+ years, just wasting your time. Aaron once said he "saw" his first Gray engine in -94...... Where and how did that happen??....
Forget them and keep working open source, my advice.
Steve, have you considered for one minute that "no more questions" simply means he is too busy
with his own life and work to answer questions that he has answered over and over for years
online? Sometimes, the easiest and most common sense explanation for something like that is
the right one.
Another thing for this group, I have no "masters" - first and foremost Peter and John are my
personal friends and usually when we get together, we don't even talk about energy. They're
friends of mine - and I will defend them especially on my own forum. They are both honest
people that will not say they know something, have something or can do something unless
they do. They have integrity behind this and that is an indisputable fact and I have witnessed
this over and over countless times throughout the years that I've known them. Some people
are mistakenly under the illusion that they are somehow entitled to other people's intellectual
property - and then demands are made of them even when they do share stuff. Totally and
completely disrespectful.
It is a fact that most experimenters have no what the differences are between efficiency,
cop or overunity. They're three totally different things and Gauss, you wouldn't know over 1.0
cop if it hit you in the face. You were booted for being a troublemaker and for continuously lying,
but I guess that misinformation is embraced here seeing that it is in alignment with the misinformed
slam attempt against myself and my friends. This is about as productive as beauty salon gossip!
And here you go again spreading your disinformation garbage. I saw my first Gray motor in 1994?
You are fabricating this idea that I claimed this from your own delusional mind as I have never
said any such thing - you are outright making up bs out of thin air as usual.
Nothing functional in 30+ years? The rotary attraction motor is over 1.0 cop but Gauss, you don't
have enough common sense to even know how to calculate it if you wanted. This is the problem
with you and other that are the ones that are blinded - I'm not the one that is blinded by "masters",
it is a matter of common sense. Do you know how many times in the rotary attraction thread
Peter and I hinted to the importance and significance of shorted coils? It took FOREVER for anyone
to get it. Look at Bob Teal's patents, what do you see? Shorted coils aren't required, but just goes
to show that most people don't even pay attention to what is said! I see this all the time and
people go off rambling about "tell us something." It is the same old unoriginal storyline that everyone
repeats over and over because they don't get it - just follow up on things that are referred to and
progress just might be made.
"They urge you to hook up your mind to theirs every week so they can tap you off of your information
in case you have some..... " If you're not on drugs, you need professional psychological help Gauss.
Does anyone buy this pure unadulterated garbage here? Hook your mind to ours and we tap
information from you! That is so pathetic I'm not sure if I'm supposed to laugh or cry?! What are you
Guass, a 6 year old kid in reality hooked on sci-fi comic books for a hobby and you can no longer
distinguish between fantasy and reality?
Come on
Guass is saying we're doing the Vulcan Mind Meld with people to pull information from
their minds - "in case you have some..." And Gauss has a friend that had a bad story or experience
from it? LOLOLOLOL - HAHAHAHA - am I the only one to notice what this kind of claim from Gauss
implies about him and his character? Maybe everyone in this thread is under his spell of deceit.
In case you all haven't noticed, Gauss is a source of disinformation and in one single
post there are two pieces of disinformation! ROFLMAO At least if you're going to spread this
disinformation you might as well make it something extraordinary like this so it isn't so boring! lol
This thread is a gossip board - it is people throwing snowballs from behind a wall based on 100%
And it is stated here that Tutanka - it is 95% chance it is a fraud? If nobody can take the hints
about which direction to keep the oxygen and hydrogen from combining during and after combustion,
then that's too bad. And Tutanka is not the only one with working models. Knowing the entire
reaction is not even required as long as you do the right steps. Everyone can go on their quest
to produce massive amounts of hho and might eventually come to the realization that hho isn't
releasing any true thermal energy as Meyer explained. Why is that? Tutanka may have the most
elegant solution but it isn't the only one. I'm interested in understanding his own process through
his own eyes and if he doesn't reveal it all, that's fine. What he has shared 100% corroborates
with other successes that have also understood the importance of nitrogen. Meyer deliberately
deceived almost everyone though his patents obviously for the purpose of protecting his
intellectual property. In any case, you have more truth about the water fuel in the few nitrogen
hydroxide threads at Energetic Forum than anywhere else on the net combined. It would be
easier for people to understand if did realize that the nitrogen hydroxide fuel created is actually
ammonia and nitrogen hydroxide is not the proper term for it. That is what Stan Meyer created,
the ammonia fuel as others have
before him. But everyone is free to go on the "lets beat
Faraday" trip if they want....make as much HHO as you want, you still won't ever have the fuel
to release thermal energy from the hydrogen.
And cracks against Peter's book that saves people money on their home energy bills? What kind
of infantile objection is that? I'm the co-author by the way and that book has saved homeowners
more money on energy bills than every "free energy" forum in the world combined.
Think about it!All the real free energy technologies are small scale prototype versions that are not scaled up
enough and very people are applying any of it in in any practical application in their homes.
Having a real book that does save money on homes should be respected since it isn't abusing people.
It is real info that people can apply with readily available solutions NOW that actually produce results
and that is commendable I think.
All the magnawork scam free energy books and the rest of them are 100% frauds posting vids of
other people's work making it look like people can replicate it from their books. Free energy
researchers ought to have enough common sense that sealing and insulating a home first to
keep heat you make and keep heat out in the summer when you don't want it is the first step to
making good use of the exotic solutions. It is common sense. If you cut your home energy usage
by 50%, then suddenly, how big of a battery bank do you need now?
Feel free to boot me Steve for defending myself here if you want.
If this badmouthing of myself and my friends are what goes on here, I don't think I can benefit or
contribute from this forum.