Author Topic: Jesus Christ is Lord  (Read 19407 times)

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Jesus Christ is Lord
« on: January 02, 2010, 18:41:08 pm »
i have always wounderd what perspective stan was seeing this statement from.. Jesus Christ is Lord.. i think i understand now... god is all that is truth.. he represents freedom knowledge light and clarity in life...  so the birth of a new technology is the birth of new knowledge and since it is new it can be considered the birth of a form of god (who is light knowledge and clarity and represents freedom) so i think stan refers to jesus as all trutly benificial knowledge that comes forth in time... like birth of a new tech is the birth of christ.. type of persoective

 example fire used to be suppressed by kings and queens and they claimed the gods gave them rights to powers for creating fire... they supressed the truth and manipulated society under a fire scarcity this could only continue if the masses that didnt understand how they really made fire never gained the knowledge (gods gift)...  the kings and queens manipulations  are a example of the antichrist.. remember god did prevail..  all learned the truth of fire and how to create it. 

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Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 19:03:49 pm »
isn't "Jesus Christ is Lord" a phrase that all these religious people are using?

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Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2010, 20:21:48 pm »
Stan talks a lot about his relationship with God. I am confident you'll never figure out the water fuel cell technology unless you take his clues about God as seriously as you take his clues about the technology.

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Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2010, 18:18:27 pm »
Religious is a general term that encompasses all religions.  Christians would proclaim "Christ is Lord", Muslims would proclaim something else as would Jews or Buddhists or whatever take your pick.  Christian isn't the only religion last time I checked.  It may be your religion but not everyone else's.  Whatever works for the individual as long as other individual's beliefs are not infringed upon.  That's one of the pillars on which this country was based among others.

Regards and Peace,

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Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2010, 19:09:44 pm »
Religion is a classification.

The truth needs no classification.

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Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2010, 19:42:26 pm »
Religious is a general term that encompasses all religions.  Christians would proclaim "Christ is Lord", Muslims would proclaim something else as would Jews or Buddhists or whatever take your pick.  Christian isn't the only religion last time I checked.  It may be your religion but not everyone else's.  Whatever works for the individual as long as other individual's beliefs are not infringed upon.  That's one of the pillars on which this country was based among others.

yes everyone is entitled to a free mind of open perspective to the views that they have found through there time here on earth... but when it comes down to it theres a kiss method with god... the most simplest of views.. which is god is light and clarity and knowledge all that pertains to good... while evil is dark, distortion and false perspective of knowledge (lies) its as simple as hot and cold.. they both are needed to creation motion (action aka life)  god is love which is magnetic attraction creating manifistations in are 3d world while evil is deflective creating destruction in our demension. 

one must accept god to be all true knowledge as well as matter... that includes technology  so for a new tech to be brought into action (life) would be considered a birth of new knowledge aka gods son.. as long as its true technology as in tru to the people and not a select few when it comes to maintaining freedom since god represents freedom too.  gasoline would be sinister since it locks people down with lifetime careers to be able to maintain and live.. thats not freedom that being locked into slavery due to lock on resources...  we are a image of god meaning we have intellegence and can use it to bring forth gods perspectives..

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Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2010, 03:57:19 am »
Apolgies to anyone offended by this statement i believe that religion is an import part of our society (regardless of what your religion is) but religion and science don't mix as religions rely on faith and belief and science relies on understanding and knowledge. I will not reply to this message or any others following it.
If he was using that statement as a metaphor then he is treading a very fine line as words can be misunderstood or misinterpreted...

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Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2010, 04:50:12 am »
no offese taken... everyone has  the right to their own belief and or opinion..   i just state perspectives that are brought forth in my thought..... .