so the idea is to have the electrolysis cell within a separate high strength constant static electric field so that the amps flow through the water easier?
the +I+ part and the -I- of the cell will have electrical repulsion, and the electric field from the outer plates wont travel through the inner plates? unless maybe the inner plates had slots or holes in them
i suggest this concept of configuration, symbols are the same as yours, the + side and - side might be 6"x6" for example, with 1"x6" strips, alternating high voltage and low voltage, where the high voltages are insulated from the water gap, while the low voltages are bare, and the water gap may be 1/8th inch or so
here you have the high voltage electric field zig-zagging across the water gap, giving your theoretical boost to current flow, as the current flow zig-zags between the low voltage plates
it might not work, but i'd like to see if that theory has any merit, science is all about testing your hypothesis