Author Topic: Working resonance circuit  (Read 55168 times)

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #88 on: December 22, 2009, 14:25:33 pm »
they must be of equal potentials so the speed of the waves meet in the middle of the cell..  from both pos and negative... its like a collision of vacuum and pressure.. potential determins the speed of the signal across the cell from one plate to another due to the fact voltage (potential
) can cause action to occur (motion) in our relative environment... if one were to be higher then the other then the timing of impacted would not be symetrical and would be considered off balance from a physics perspective.

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #89 on: December 22, 2009, 14:33:58 pm »
On the cell you will need to have a current and current will come from one side to the other side DC. Is not sensitive if is 40kv and -40kv is not about it.

Is all about the electron extraction circuit and no other in the world understood how it works. Don't worry about it, worry about understanding and being able to understand, and if you can raise funds, this is the most difficult part. 

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #90 on: December 22, 2009, 14:34:36 pm »
The electric field theory meyer proposed was right but there is something else in the juice. Meyer patents weren't protected because he didn't mention on them the real functionality of the system. Resonance has aways being very known subject However he made every one confuse about it to lead people to think that was the only key, just to protect the technology. The truth is that there is only one way to do it or more specifically one principle ! This principle can be done in few different ways but all them have the same principle. I wish i could have loads of money to be able to release this to the world but is much harder to raise funds than the technology it self.   

webmug why do you talk about dipoles?

Different components in the circuit have di-poles... inductors, capacitors, WFC.


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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #91 on: December 22, 2009, 14:59:26 pm »
they must be of equal potentials so the speed of the waves meet in the middle of the cell..  from both pos and negative... its like a collision of vacuum and pressure.. potential determins the speed of the signal across the cell from one plate to another due to the fact voltage (potential
) can cause action to occur (motion) in our relative environment... if one were to be higher then the other then the timing of impacted would not be symetrical and would be considered off balance from a physics perspective.

Correct outlawstc, unbalancing the water molecules.


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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #92 on: December 22, 2009, 15:12:23 pm »
Yes, but I think you can leave this idea because is not practical believe me. Is not that the principle, the principle it is basic and elementary.  If you watch carefully the new Zealand he talks briefly about the principle while not explaining how to use it. And he do the same thing when he talk about resonance. Restrict amps while allowing voltage to take over in a Dead short condition bla bla bla. Believe is simple and stupid like he said K.I.S.S. thats why he took so many time explaining things that is related to the principle while not explaining it. Thats why he decided to go for a injector. I believe the injector had problems being released because of the durability problem. And that, he got that cause lost because he couldn't reveal this secrete to the investors and probably they had teams for constructing the unity for parallel comparison and they found that was impossible to do with the information he provided. So he got the cause lost. And problems patenting it. Thats why he invented that theory about voltage witch has to do with but don't work like he proposed.

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2009, 15:33:42 pm »
The magic thing is that i discovered all this by myself. Lot of work alone 3,5 years everyday almost ... And got confirmation from german and south America physicists that i'm correct. They were amazed about my understanding...
I Believe i got this mind expansion so drastically pronounced because of a kind of accident i had when i was 18, when i was 20 i was already in europe and started to work on this, i learned the italian in 3 months and also english by myself too at home working on this. I started researching about this because a friend that was very much like Forest Gump, told me that one friend of him have a friend of a friend that had a water car. This was at 2006, We laughs a lot about it but when i got at home i found on youtube stan, and i believed. And started working on it by myself and has always being like this until now.

I found the answer while i was talking with a friend that started helping me about 3 months ago to find a financing nothing until now but talking to him and talking and talking i just said something and think to my self ohh boy it can't be other thing than this. K.I.S.S.   

Tesla mysteriously had this things at his time inside his had.

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #94 on: December 22, 2009, 16:47:37 pm »
you must polarize the water molecule with voltage first
then you must raise the voltage amplitude until you have reached the liquid to gas ionization stage
only when you have caused electrons to be pulled right out of the water molecules with high voltage, such as in (neon) gas ionization tubes will you have any electrons to extract

the electron extraction circuit pulses exactly opposite to the main pulse frequency, and during the eec pulse it places a load between a positive voltage and the water bath.

The water bath acts as a "ground" source, or an electron source, and the electrons and pulled out by the positive voltage and the energy from them absorbed by the load so they can not enter back into the water bath.

You can not use the electron extraction circuit until you figure out the electrical polarization process.

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #95 on: December 22, 2009, 17:03:23 pm »
I have replicated this setup with the two tubes. Yes, it is resonance. The water temperature does not change. The only problem is only one of the tubes produces significant gas. The next step is how to extend it to six tubes without applying 3 circuits.