The magic thing is that i discovered all this by myself. Lot of work alone 3,5 years everyday almost ... And got confirmation from german and south America physicists that i'm correct. They were amazed about my understanding...
I Believe i got this mind expansion so drastically pronounced because of a kind of accident i had when i was 18, when i was 20 i was already in europe and started to work on this, i learned the italian in 3 months and also english by myself too at home working on this. I started researching about this because a friend that was very much like Forest Gump, told me that one friend of him have a friend of a friend that had a water car. This was at 2006, We laughs a lot about it but when i got at home i found on youtube stan, and i believed. And started working on it by myself and has always being like this until now.
I found the answer while i was talking with a friend that started helping me about 3 months ago to find a financing nothing until now but talking to him and talking and talking i just said something and think to my self ohh boy it can't be other thing than this. K.I.S.S.
Tesla mysteriously had this things at his time inside his had.