So what is different with this compared to all the other things you tried Steve .
What made this work and not the rest ?
Random cell tube and random chokes and you just toggled the frequency until you saw a peak in voltage which = gas production .
If that is the case then I believe you have a working Meyers method or w/e we should call it , no matter the gas output , Stan never said there was more gas than electrolysis being produced , only that it wasn't a self-destructing process .
Actually, its NOT random coils and capacitors.
All formula's about RLC comply....
Hope to present the math soon.
I agree that this is close to SM setup.
My goal / end theory is that Stan indeed needed some amps.
I mean like 0.5 amps in my case. That aligns the water molecules.
Then you hit the water with a voltage spike like at least 1500V to make them ringing.
In meantime, you can recycle inputpower as well.
You must know that in a parallel RLC circuit, the charge is flowing from cap to coil and backwards.
You can achieve that with one shot of power and take the power off the circuit.
The resonance keeps on going, till it dies because of leakage.
So, if you can achieve resonance with a wfc in between it, count out your provide....