Author Topic: Working resonance circuit  (Read 54448 times)

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2009, 23:11:05 pm »
"The phenomena that the spacing between two objects is related to the wavelength of a physical motion between the two objects is utilized herein. A relatively small increase in amplitude will yield an output several magnitudes greater when the motion of the water molecule is moving to and fro with a repetition rate to match the resonant length of the spacing between the pair of exciters. "

Only works on watergap size. Plate / tube size doesn't matter.


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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2009, 00:56:42 am »
So what is different with this compared to all the other things you tried Steve .

What made this work and not the rest ?

Random cell tube and random chokes and you just toggled the frequency untill you saw a peak in voltage wich = gas production .

If that is the case then I believe you have a working Meyers method or w/e we should call it , no matter the gas output , Stan never said there was more gas than electrolysis being produced , only that it wasnt a self-destructing process .

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2009, 07:10:39 am »
So what is different with this compared to all the other things you tried Steve .

no matter the gas output , Stan never said there was more gas than electrolysis being produced , only that it wasnt a self-destructing process .

Hi Dankie what you mean by self destructing ?

However i do believe meyer had more than 100 times more gas output than the related electrical energy inputed on the system.

How he did? think about

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2009, 10:36:19 am »
So what is different with this compared to all the other things you tried Steve .

What made this work and not the rest ?

Random cell tube and random chokes and you just toggled the frequency until you saw a peak in voltage which = gas production .

If that is the case then I believe you have a working Meyers method or w/e we should call it , no matter the gas output , Stan never said there was more gas than electrolysis being produced , only that it wasn't a self-destructing process .

Actually, its NOT random coils and capacitors.
All formula's about RLC comply....
Hope to present the math soon.

I agree that this is close to SM setup.
My goal / end theory is that Stan indeed needed some amps.
I mean like 0.5 amps in my case. That aligns the water molecules.
Then you hit the water with a voltage spike like at least 1500V to make them ringing.

In meantime, you can recycle inputpower as well.
You must know that in a parallel RLC circuit, the charge is flowing from cap to coil and backwards.
You can achieve that with one shot of power and take the power off the circuit.
The resonance keeps on going, till it dies because of leakage.
So, if you can achieve resonance with a wfc in between it, count out your provide....


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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2009, 11:10:12 am »
in the first post you talk about 120VDC from 12V input so that must be a series resonant circuit. now it's a parallel circuit?
enlighten us please :)

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2009, 14:51:32 pm »
Great experiment Steve! Yes, it is said that resonance is the bouncing of something from cap to coil but, I'm not so sure that is accurate. If it is, then it is not explained very well. Even though the water cap and coils make an LC circuit, there is still distributed capacitance and inductance throughout the entire circuit. And then we have several different types of resonance, even with just a coil. The way I imagine it is, the entire circuit should be seen as an RLC network that can be resonated in either parallel or series which is dependent on the frequency of the signal. The coils can resonate without the water cap just fine for this very reason. Adding the water cap will only change the parameters of the circuit and you will need to find where the resonant frequencies have shifted too. I am curious, does just your hand being close to the coil or RLC circuit affect the resonance in any way?

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2009, 17:25:12 pm »
Getting your hand close wont change very little or about anything however if you touch the coil you will have a change in capacitance however is too dangerous to touch you can get hurt like me. However note that a permanent magnet will change the flux and you can get more voltage output at least here it happens with a certain coil i have. tryout steve. Don't touch the coils with the system turned on is very dangerous there are Kwatts of power there recirculating i arrived at 10kv 5 amps witch is 50kwatts... Turn it off and you will see how much heat is dissipated on the capacitors and coil. The cell do not produce heat only hydrogen and oxygen.

If you got any other nice results contact me i would like to know.

good luck my friends i like to see the interest of all of you, you are going be the first soldiers of the future.

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2009, 16:06:27 pm »
Hi college's in HHO crime.

Because i do love you all and because i believe in sharing technology and because i believe i cannot change the world on my own, is here my first step schematic with who i made resonance in a circuit with a waterfuell included.
 :) ;) ;)

The second drawing is a schematic done with a VIC like setup which also ran in resonance.

I think you all have some of these components in you house and making a replication should be pretty easy to do.

Please share your results and idea's!



This double tube setup idea came from 3 people. All members of this great forum.
They are: Electrojolt, Jose and Sebosfato. They all had and shared with me this idea seperatly from eachother.... ;)
Thank you guys!