okay thanks sebosfato.
well we all know that stan meyers vic circuit is nearly identical to this:
http://www.richieburnett.co.uk/dcreschg.html (second with de-q-ing diode) where a tank capacitor is charged. the spark gap functions similar to a pulsed source voltage right?
There is one way i could see current recirculating in the tank cap only, that is when you see the tubes as a very leaky capacitor (that's what it is right?).
The equivalent circuit of that would be a cap with a resistor (our leakage/electrolysis) in parallel. so the cap is charged to twice the input voltage and loses all the charge as current through itself (electrolysis).
again i'm not really sure if you were talking about this.
or simply the fact that in your circuit current goes unidirectional through the resistors?
edit: nevermind, i think i got it now.