Author Topic: Working resonance circuit  (Read 55329 times)

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2009, 16:18:42 pm »
So what is the purpose of that capacitor , the RLC is calculated for that caapacitor ?

What  is the  purpose of the d3 diode , is this your 'recirculating current' ?

All in all great creativity with the meyers modifications and such , I can 'almost' understand whats happening .

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2009, 16:26:09 pm »
So what is the purpose of that capacitor , the RLC is calculated for that caapacitor ?

What  is the  purpose of the d3 diode , is this your 'recirculating current' ?

All in all great creativity with the meyers modifications and such .
The diode by the powersupply is not really needed with my current PS, but some will need it.
C is the capacitor needed for the resonance, Dankie.
The 2 tubesets are the R in the RLC. Of course they also have some capacitance, but they are mainly very leaking and the act as resistor, such as Stan also said.

I think you can make this work without a capacitor, but then you must use a big Bifilair coil, which will take the place of the capacitor in my schematic.

The voltage across the tubes are pretty high compared with plain electrolysis.
I measure now a 150V Peak and that must go to KV's.

Join in, Dankie. Make something nice and tell us what you measure.


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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2009, 16:27:39 pm »
you're welcome steve i can say that this is the first step understanding it and what is resonance all about for all applications. Remember the energy flow from capacitor to the inductor and than it reverse direction and come back to the capacitor. This is what i mean by recirculating current or electric field.

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2009, 16:47:46 pm »
you're welcome steve i can say that this is the first step understanding it and what is resonance all about for all applications. Remember the energy flow from capacitor to the inductor and than it reverse direction and come back to the capacitor. This is what i mean by recirculating current or electric field.

Hi Sebos,

Yes, you are right. This is the first step. It works. You and i know that.
Hope we can learn more from eachother here... ;)



Here the picture of my sweet little double coil...2 times 2.4mH
Works like a charm.
Came out a powersupply from an old server... :)
Yes, the financial crisis hit my pocket too.... ???

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2009, 17:10:59 pm »
Sorry for taking so much time , I tried to make a product with all my circuits on it but its just too expensive and not enough interest from the public .

Its not like you guys absotutely needed it anyways .

plz ask further questions to my pm box.

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2009, 17:43:38 pm »
Here a circuit simulator example of the first circuit, as stevie said i did disregard the tube-capacitor.

$ 1 5.0E-6 10.20027730826997 50 5.0 50
R 80 192 80 256 0 0 40.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 80 192 80 32 0
w 80 32 400 32 0
w 400 32 400 64 0
w 400 64 320 64 0
w 400 64 480 64 0
w 480 64 480 80 0
w 320 64 320 80 0
l 320 80 320 256 0 0.0024 0.08272617691301952
l 480 80 480 144 0 0.0024 -0.08272525742922969
c 480 144 480 208 0 4.7E-8 -8.165649264514485
w 320 256 320 304 0
w 320 304 480 304 0
R 272 336 224 336 0 2 10000.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 272 336 352 336 0
f 384 352 448 352 0 1.5
w 448 336 480 304 0
w 384 352 352 336 0
g 448 368 448 400 0
r 480 208 528 208 0 5.0
r 560 208 592 208 0 5.0
w 592 208 640 208 0
w 640 208 640 304 0
w 640 304 480 304 0
d 528 208 528 160 1 0.805904783
w 528 160 592 160 0
w 592 160 592 208 0
w 560 208 560 256 0
d 560 256 480 256 1 0.805904783
w 480 256 480 208 0

the resistor values and frequency is not steves. maybe it helps someone to see it all clearly drawn with the components.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 18:42:21 pm by haithar »

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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2009, 19:27:07 pm »
So what is the purpose of that capacitor , the RLC is calculated for that caapacitor ?

What  is the  purpose of the d3 diode , is this your 'recirculating current' ?

All in all great creativity with the meyers modifications and such .
The diode by the powersupply is not really needed with my current PS, but some will need it.
C is the capacitor needed for the resonance, Dankie.
The 2 tubesets are the R in the RLC. Of course they also have some capacitance, but they are mainly very leaking and the act as resistor, such as Stan also said.

I think you can make this work without a capacitor, but then you must use a big Bifilair coil, which will take the place of the capacitor in my schematic.

The voltage across the tubes are pretty high compared with plain electrolysis.
I measure now a 150V Peak and that must go to KV's.

Join in, Dankie. Make something nice and tell us what you measure.


Hey Steve,
are you thinking now of building a adjustable plates cell? Make smaller gap (lower resistance), then you would have more volts I guess. ::)  Or build a bigger HV power-supply (more current used).

More questions:
What's your gap-size right now, are the two tubes identical ?
How many amps are you consuming (in mAmps range...) ?
Are you seeing more,less or the same gas production, when electrolysis with same amps is used?



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Re: Working resonance circuit
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2009, 19:37:36 pm »
Steve , if it works or  not I thank you for your sense of teamwok and openness.

I think theres a catch that I do not see , nothing is too good to be true .

I will continue with my ideas of resonating tubes and go from there , I will wait for confirmation on this before .