Author Topic: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell  (Read 51578 times)

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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2009, 20:22:38 pm »
sorry your right about the bridge.400 volt 25 amp.Just typed it in too fast.
Radio Shack sells them in that rating.I have just that size already.

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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2009, 20:47:40 pm »
the delrin case is on the bobbin as  a means of attaching the core to the box

the circuit will produce gas but not the amount you would think  it isnt an overunity because it uses 5 amps going into the inductor  which is restricted to 1.36  the  other 3.7 amps are wasted as heat  and magnetism of the core

the unit will get hot the reason the units are so tall is to make it take a long time  because the volume of water and metal are higher

yea, i agree, i don't expect this or even the tubular array to be over-unity, but just to prove the concept that it is voltage doing the work, and that by changing the spacing you change gas production. This doesn't work with electrolysis, so it proves it is "different science" at work, and would be the point of the demonstration. good for showing scientists/engineers/investors as well as personal understanding from building it

also from understanding this system, the next step would be to increase the gas production to the point where you cross the unity mark, and refine it and design a better one...

when you really look at the efficiency though, it would be "fair" to look at the volts and amps through the wires right before they enter the cell and compare that to your gas output, because the "power supply" side of the system can be 99% efficient or 1% all by it's self, but that is power wasted by the power supply, and not power used to split the water, and then you just design a more efficient power supply and you can bring the "whole apparatus" to an over-unity point :)

so you say "it doesn't work", did you mean the circuit wont function like expected, or it does produce gas, just it's not overunity? If there is a huge problem with the circuit then that might make me look in other directions, but i will be happy with less than unity gas production when i build this

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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2009, 02:13:12 am »
I remember hearing Stan's brother Stephen say in his audio interview that he remembered seeing a strange band on the middle of the two plates. Dudley, have you seen this with yours?

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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2009, 02:38:19 am »
i think he said ribbon like bands during production...somthing like that

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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2009, 03:31:22 am »
So you got the original chokes  , the cell , the power supply , everything you need ?

Its time to  connect the leads and see if it works , didnt the owner do that already ?

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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2009, 04:02:34 am »
Why did you edit your post ?

4 the 7404 with led  is 12 volt dropped down and what is called current sunk

Nice Dudley , so what is better than brute force for the same  amount of energy ?

Why mention this  , isnt this normal for leds to be current sunk .

What do those Leds do anyways ?


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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2009, 04:17:03 am »
nope never saw the band cause i used a tube

#4 being current sunk throught to led  means

he was putting 12 volt thru a resistor to drop it down then goes into 7404 and back out to resistor then  led and last ground

basiclly he did it to make an indicator light for the 12 volt for scr   it also will create slight delays on certain outputs of the 7404

all the leds were indicator the one on the pot would go brighter or dimmer with adjustment a

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Re: Demonstration Cell - Variable Spacing Plate Cell
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2009, 14:08:01 pm »
nope never saw the band cause i used a tube


from what i have gathered dynodon stated that this unit will only work with plates .. stans schematic that dydnodon also provided states 3x12" plates..