Author Topic: Ambient air processor, EEC, and exhaust mixer project  (Read 10445 times)

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Re: Ambient air processor, EEC, and exhaust mixer project
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2010, 22:32:49 pm »
Hi Komtek,

I will change the plus and minus, during the tests.
The thin wire on the vid is negative.
I did change the polarity, but the flow of ions didnt change, strangly...
Need to do more tests.
Maybe wednesday, i can try it on the engine.


This is because of the charge density on the surfaces that is dependant on shape.

If you make a HV circuit with a pin on one pole and a large ball bearing on the other; there will be a higher concentration of charge in the pin than in the ball simply because there is more space for the charge to spread out on, in the ball bearing.

Ions will always flow from the pin (small surface area) to the ball (large surface area)

This is how you get to select what charge ends up in the air!

Check out this very interesting site too understand this better and for some great circuit diagrams! (with overload protection!  ;D)

That reminds me Steve:  Round the edges of your cylinders and sharpen your 'pins' to increase efficiency.  the rounded surfaces should have a diameter of 3mm if I remember correctly.

As oxygen is a very electronegative atom I expect you to see better results with the negative on the pins:
This will add the electrons the oxygen craves so that it will not want to steal the hydrogen's electrons by recombining with it.

If you run an engine on HHO alone your exhaust gas will be steam.
You will be better off using water mist to slow combustion:  It's cooler!  :)

If you use HHO and air you will get NOx as HHO burns even hotter than petrol.
You got a NOx cat lying around by any chance?...  ;)

Thanks Logic. Good info  :D

I do use a pin as one of the electrodes.
The other electrode is a SS tube.
I found me another bobine from Bosch and hopefully i can try that tomorrow.
See how many sparks i can create with that one.
Cost me 10 euro's....

And maybe i can do a re-test when the weather is with me.


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Re: Ambient air processor, EEC, and exhaust mixer project
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2010, 12:04:38 pm »
Thanks Logic. Good info  :D

I do use a pin as one of the electrodes.
The other electrode is a SS tube...

No problem Steve!  :)

I would still try to round the edges of the SS tubes where they are cut off.
I know SS is a bitch to work/grind/sand, but it would seem its all about avoiding sharp edges on the one electrode and sharpening the... 'edge'/point of the other.

I like the fact that the ionizer gets/helps the air flowing in the right direction.
I have read of positive results with an ionizer and petrol, but think that has to do with the fuel droplets sticking to the ionized air..?

Did you find the circuit diagrams on the site?

I'm looking forward to your results!

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Re: Ambient air processor, EEC, and exhaust mixer project
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2010, 20:46:58 pm »
Still one question remain:

Do we want positive or negative ions?


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An easy way to create negative or positive ions
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2010, 22:23:20 pm »
Here is a nice setup with who you can make negative or positive ions.
The coil is a car ignition coil, which most of you have at home.
The important thing is to use the 2 caps after the HV diode if you want negative ions. If you choose to get positive ions, you can use only the diode in the reversed direction.

Have fun and be carefull. HV can kill bugs and also humans.... ;D ;D


The Ion Generator:
The design of the Negative-Ion Generator is fairly straightforward (see Fig. 1). The circuit is a high voltage generator. It contains a standard 555 timer that's used to generate square-wave pulses. The pulses are applied to the base of the TIP120 NPN Darlington transistor. The Darlington provides sufficient current to the base of the 2N3055 power transistor to turn it on. Each time that happens, current flows through the high voltage auto-transformer, T2. The high voltage lead of the transformer is connected to a 10 kilovolt high voltage diode. Notice the polarity of the diode. It is biased to place a negative charge on C3 and C4, leaving the discharge point negatively charged. The voltage at the discharge point negatively charges the air forced past it by the fan.
The author's prototype was built on sections of perfboard using point-to-point wiring. It is a suitable method that you can use in your won ion generator provided you follow some precautions: Make sure you place C3, C4, D1, and the discharge point (which we'll describe momentarily) on a piece of perf board all their own. The junctions between those components should be at least a centimeter (about 1/2-inch) apart. Both this little high voltage board and the autotransformer should also be kept at least 1 centimeter away from the perfboard containing the other components, the fan, and the power transformer.
In passing, if you chose not to buy D1 from the supplier (1992) mentioned in the Parts List, an exact replacement may be difficult to locate. However, even though it has a lower current rating, an ECG518 or NTE518 should work fine, although this substitution has not been tried.
The discharge point should be "pointy" to enhance the ionization of the air. You can use a sewing needle, for example. An alternate discharge point can be fashioned from a small piece of No. 22 stranded wire. Strip off about 1/2-inch from one end of the wire and separate the fine copper strands so that they are more of less evenly dispersed. When the wire is connected to the high negative voltage, the end of each strand will behave as a discharge point.
Any screen or covering on the fan-outlet hole should be non-metallic or plastic in nature. Using a metal screen would severely cut the efficiency of the generator because the negative ions that come into contact with the metal screen would be neutralized.
When testing the circuit, if you see any arcing or discharge from the high voltage transformer or high voltage capacitors, cut the power immediately. Let the project sit for awhile to let the capacitors discharge, and, without touching the project if possible, coat the faulty are with a little "No Arc" spray (available from Radio Shack or Tandy). Allow the material to dry before testing the unit again.
(Tony's comment: The ECG518 and NTE518 are still available, the added bonus is that the ECG/NTE518 supplies 25mA instead of 10mA by the IMD5210).
Parts List:
   R1 = 15K, 1/4W, 5%
   R2 = 1K, 1/4W, 5%
   R3 = 2.2K, 1/4 W, 5%
   R4 = 470, 1/4 W, 5%
   C1 = 1000uF/25V, electrolytic
   C2 = 0.047uF, polyester-film
C3,C4 = 0.002uF, 6000WVDC, ceramic disc

   U1 = 555 timer, 8-pin IC (no CMOS)
   Q1 = TIP120 or NTE261, NPN, Darlington transistor
   Q2 = 2N3055, NPN, power transistor
   D1 = 10,000 Volt, 10mA, SI rectifier diode (see text)
  BR1 = 4A, 50-PIV bridge rectifier

Additional Parts and Materials:
  T1 = 12 volt 1.2A, power transformer
  T2 = 12 volt to 8 kilo volt autotransformer
FAN1 = 12 volt DC fan.
Enclosure, line cord, switch, TO-3 socket/heat sink, perfboard, wire, solder,
hardware, etc.

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MUST READ. Please all think and write your thoughts on this.
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2010, 12:21:36 pm »
Hi all,

I am normally not such a typing person with lots of pages of theory's, but here we go. Lets have a look at the theory of atoms and covalent and or electric bondings.

Shell number one can only hold 2 electrons, shell two can hold 8, and for the first eighteen elements shell three can hold a maximum of eight electrons.

7 protons and 7 electrons.
Atomic Mass: 14.00674 molar mass
5 standard electrons in shell 2 and space for 8
3 possible bonding options from itself

1 proton and 1 electron.
Atomic Mass: 1.00794  molar mass
No electrons in outer orbits.
No possible bonding options from it self

8 protons and 8 electrons
Atomic Mass: 15.9994 molar mass
6 standard electrons in shell 2 and space for 8
2 possible bonding options from itself.

As we can see, the oxygen atom is the biggest and strongest and will pickup the electron from the hydrogen atom and makes his bonding.
This is a proces that cannot be avoided.

So what do we want to achieve? Are we looking for a new mix of gasses with Ammonia as target?
Do we want to prevent the oxygen atom and hydrogen atom to combine into H20?

Stan Meyer said that he succesfull slowed down the burnrate of his HHO mix.
He also talked about opening some kind of energy vortex, which was for me a bit wird.

What would happen if we could delay the combining from these 2 atoms?
The combining of these atom happens by force of combusting.
Now lets combust and prevent combining.....
What will happen?
Do we get a combustion reaction?
What will be the outlet gasmix?
Do we get H and O back in a lower state of energy and are we able to re-use it?

Here is an article about feeding electrons and prevending covalent bondings.
Its about Mr. Wong.
His method is straightforward: He pumps negative charges into the chamber, supplying chlorine atoms with the electrons they would otherwise take from ozone. Once the chlorine picks up an electron, it won’t react with ozone.

Dear members. Please write your thoughts about this here.
You would help me a lot with it.


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Re: Ambient air processor, EEC, and exhaust mixer project
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2010, 09:04:45 am »
Hi Steve
Ck This Out
Same as your talking I think

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Re: Ambient air processor, EEC, and exhaust mixer project
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2010, 09:49:56 am »
Hi Steve
Ck This Out
Same as your talking I think

Thanks for the link, FrznWtr  ;)
Yes, they have the same theory and idea's.
But i ll guess that i am still the one that had results with an ambient air ionizer on an engine running on HHO.
So much talking there......
But i like that forum  :)


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Re: Ambient air processor, EEC, and exhaust mixer project
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2010, 15:55:52 pm »
Okay, here is my take on it. First of all, concider this: We do not know to 100% that Meyer created ammonia, this is pure speculation. There is no claims what so ever that he did this - only his statement that: "close to that of natural gas" - We think he say ammonia, and it is possible to create ammonia via ionization yes. But, never the less, Meyer never said this. Puharich on the other hand claimed that ammonia could be a result from the process (his injector), just as long as we know what was said.

We can either follow h2opowers explenation of electron ionization and energy release by removing 4 or more electrons in the oxygen and that the same amount would be given of in the combustion phase OR we can select a more valid thought process - that ammonia is created and used as a stable fuel molecule. This is entirly up to you.

Now, let's look at the process itself. What I can't understand is why the debate(s) is surrounded by talks of WHAT is created and so forth when we very easily can seperate the air gases and get pure nitrogen as our hydrogen transporter. Are people stuck in a loop, seams so. But on the other hand that depends on what you want as a result and how the process itself should function. Forgett controll with O2, N2 and H2 all in teh same enviroment - you are not a magician, you will get all the combiantions the nature can trow at you, simple fact. SO take a step back and look it over, forgett the Meyer injector patent for a moment, trow it out, don't use it here. Think with you're own mind.

If you have N2 and H2 ONLY, you then either ionize only nitrogen and get active or atomic nitrogne with 3 spaces empty, this then can absorbe hydrogen to fill it's outer shell and give you NH3 - stable. Or you can also trow in the hydrogen gas so it also is ionized - then, the only outcome in that process is N2, H2 and NH3 if different % unless you have above 90% conversion ratio. A nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia mixture is the only outcome. But ones more, the outcome is up to you as an inventor. If you on the other hand claim that you can control the process with air and hydrogen, then I think you should put forth such information and / or evidence.

My 2 cent input