Author Topic: DC Resonant Charging  (Read 9366 times)

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DC Resonant Charging
« on: November 28, 2009, 17:48:20 pm »
Here's a link to a site that really explains how the blocking diode (also known as a de-q-ing diode) works with DC high voltage.
This is a site for Tesla coils,but it shows the same results of Stans approach.
Good reading.Open discussion welcome here.

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Re: DC Resonant Charging
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2009, 18:57:05 pm »
Quote from that site:

"Current cannot change instantly.
An inductor does not allow instantaneous changes in the current passing through it. This means that the brief firing of the spark gap does not instantly short-circuit the HVDC supply. This property of the inductor also determines how quickly the tank capacitor charges from the DC supply after each bang."

This is restricting amps in a dead short condition, the very important roll of the chokes

I am curious about the de-q-ing diode, i'll have to research that more specifically to better understand

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Re: DC Resonant Charging
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2009, 22:08:24 pm »
Seems like they recommend a 3 phase power system .

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Re: DC Resonant Charging
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2009, 22:19:38 pm »
By the time the signal gets to the cell the 3 phases combine to form one signal, 1 phase.  (Rotary VIC)

This signal would have 3x the frequency of each phase.

This signal would have a minimum voltage of maybe 1/3 peak voltage, and never reach zero!

For a single phase power supply you would have your voltage go from zero to peak, and Dynodon and Webmug are doing this, except their voltage is crossing zero.... this is the only thing stopping them from cracking the water in a resonant water fuel cell.

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Re: DC Resonant Charging
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2009, 22:37:02 pm »
How do you know thats the only thing stopping them  from cracking the water  molecule ?

It might be 1  or 10 different things  ,  nobody knows .

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Re: DC Resonant Charging
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2009, 22:52:10 pm »
I'm a wishful thinker :)
I may be wrong.
Their waveforms and setups suggest the correct approach except for this voltage swinging below zero, I'm not sure what causes it or how to fix it, but I hope they can find out how to fix it to keep the pulses unipolar. Then I just hope it will work!

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Re: DC Resonant Charging
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2009, 23:32:23 pm »
After going through several setups with batteries, inductors, transformers, capacitors and alternators, I have come to the conclusion that we cannot replicate the same effect you get with the alternator's 3-phase output.

I believe, Dave Lawton and Ravi only replicated the effect of the alternator setup. It is easy and very obvious. The trick is to power 2 sets of tubes with one phase and have a common ground (the inner tubes).

The alternator setup works best with the ss tube cell. It does not work very well with the plate cell unless you add lots of electrolyte. The tube cell even works with distilled water.

Until we are able to find a circuit that mimics the alternator we are stuck in one place.

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Re: DC Resonant Charging
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2009, 01:58:41 am »
Their waveforms and setups suggest the correct approach except for this voltage swinging below zero, I'm not sure what causes it or how to fix it, but I hope they can find out how to fix it to keep the pulses unipolar. Then I just hope it will work!

maybe the present negative is due to the contaminates in the water??... maybe if we were able to weaken the negative   field with a tunable negative choke we could fix that? for it to go negative it sounds like there are to many electrons present at that given time.. the only place they will come from is either negative choke  since they are being pumped to it right? ..

for a tunable choke you allow the pulling force to be constant on the positive choke from the secondary, while the negative has a variable to react with the same amount of force pushing in the electrons  or it can be weaker then the emf pulling on the positive field