well pretty simple now that i used my Dremel to cuter open, it was well worth the wast!!! the picture says it all!!!
the magnetic coil is not wired to the barrel, so if i was to put this injector back together it would work if i hadn't destroyed it LOL.
now, you see the shinny spot on the casing? there are 2 of these, they're Electro Magnets.
in the end of the Factory injector, you would have seen 4 holes, about the size of half of a small sewing needle.
get rid of these 4 holes! im working on how.
you can see the ball point is the side that points to the motor, it does NOT have a hole in the end of hit, gas flows from the sides when the ball is pushed back by the electro magnet, this injector can pull .90 amps when hooked to a car battery. i would assume to use .50 amps.
the end hole i have showed with the 4 holes in where the gas comes out should have been drilled to one big hole.
now that i know and am sure how this works, i will take a new injector and drill me a bigger hole in it, with fear of lodging or sticking the injector.