Author Topic: Transformer with VIC setup  (Read 6779 times)

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Transformer with VIC setup
« on: November 24, 2009, 15:38:47 pm »
Transformer with VIC setup.

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Re: Transformer with VIC setup
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 23:20:12 pm »
Ok, I'll start.

Meyer has about a dozen different ways of wiring a vic which is basically a transformer and in his videos he states that the reason is so no one can go around his patents and IP.  But in the Technical Brief he mentions longitudinally wrapping the primary .  I've been trying to figure out what he meant by that and have found no references to longitudinally wrapping a coil anywhere.  I'm thinking this is might also be related to his other ideas related to magnetic gases and the MHD HyperDrive that Griffin writes about.

In the Technical Brief there's 2 vics one with all copper wire and one with bifilar stainless steel wire which I believe has magnetic properties.  So he describes applying the stainless steel bifilar chokes bidirectional i.e. back and forth and then wrapping on top and longitudinally the primary wire.  After thinking about this for a while I'm guessing that the chokes act as a solenoid coil but the primary is acting like a long thin toroid coil which I have seen described as a solenoid with infinite length.  So before I try this I'm wondering if anyone else has done this and Dynodon have you seen anything like this.


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Re: Transformer with VIC setup
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 16:34:52 pm »
First off the coil 6-1 if for the injector system only.It's not for the tube cells.
The bidirectional winding means that you would wind from left to right and then back left again,and so on until you get the amount of turns you want.
Unidirectional would be from left to right only, or right to left.
Longitudinal would be from left to right or right to left,just like the longitudinal lines for the earth.
The stainless wire is for the 6-1 coil only.And the copper wire is for the rest.
The vic coils for the resonance cell was all cooper,all five coils,and they were all the same gauge wire, 29 gauge.
I seen one 6-1 coil,but it was wrapped in paper,and you couldn't tell what was under it.

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Re: Transformer with VIC setup
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 16:59:36 pm »
Hi Don,

For the resonance cells were all the windings unidirectional and solenoidal in form?  I've seen your photos of the delrin forms for VIC where one slides over the other just curious what you saw and what you think.


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Re: Transformer with VIC setup
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 22:54:36 pm »
Those spools are for the injectors only.Those I couldn't tell how they were wrapped.
The resonance coils were on a closed looped set of U cores,with five seperate coils,that make up the primary,sencondary,feedback and two chokes.Just like he draws them out in his pattent aplication.

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Re: Transformer with VIC setup
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2009, 06:39:18 am »
Ok Don,

Thanks for that.  This is helpful.  I think the more that is shown that Stan's prototypes are as reflected in his patents gives more credibility.  Only thing I have a challenge with is if you pulse a transformer core the generated pulse goes in the other direction.  I don't think it matters whether it's ac or pulsed dc the core responds the same way.  If the path is blocked by a diode it's only path is the negative or ground tube except for some leakage at the diode.  Maybe that's what's going on.  So he's using a flyback transformer or similar form then in that version. 


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Re: Transformer with VIC setup
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2010, 17:51:34 pm »

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Re: Transformer with VIC setup
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2010, 23:03:46 pm »
im woundering if this would be good for driving a vic

Thankz for that link... if nothing else we can learn about ripple current and how its a multiple of switching frequency and phase's ...  :)