Author Topic: Start here your topics on the water injector & ambient airgasprocessor system  (Read 56022 times)

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In regards to US Patent # 1,431,047, the 1922 patent of the guy who later started Duracell Corp.

@ Line 52; Nascent Hydrogen is the same as Atomic. It is probably not an ion since ion is either less or more electrons, so note - atomic equals same amount of electrons as in it's ground state or singular atom state.
@ line 61/62: He clearly speaks of an electrochemical event known as transmutation as described in my prior article concerning ammonia (NH3), ammonium hydroxide (NH4-OH+) and nitrous oxide (N2O), but here carbon monoxide (CO) is priming gas and upon contact will form Formaldehyde (CH2O) - in remark to this - if carbon monoxide or dioxide is present in the air gases, there is also a possibility that the style and construction of Meyers apparatus could produce this chemical.

But it is very clear that what Samuel Ruben is describing is an apparatus were hydrogen and oxygen gas is liberated through electrolysis and are also allowed to react with other incoming air gases in a manor which is known by ionization by electrical stimulation.
The reason why Formaldehyde might be formed is of the fact that Salt - probably normal table salt with the chemical formula NaCl (where C is Chloride) is used. NaCl is by many used as an electrolyte and whereby one of the byproducts is Chlorine gas (Cl) - chlorine gas is a reactive gas and very toxic - created in the process. Therefor it is always recommended to use Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as the electrolyte (I use the opportunity to mention this if anyone is experimenting with electrolysis). Sodium Hydroxide do not react in the same manor as NaCl does and the added amount of NaOH will remain in the water bath meaning, there the amount of NaOH will remain constant and not consumed as it will re-new and balance the chemical reaction.
Looking at the Meyer style of hydrogen and oxygen production, there is no added chemical in relationship to standard Faraday electrolysis (basic electrolysis uses current to split water using electron collision - optimum electrolysis is 1.24-2V @ X amount of amp were voltage is only used as a current flow stimulation) and hence, no additional gases are evolved beside H2 and O2. For this reason together with the developed ionization method for said gases are used, the method is no longer ionization by electrolysis but rather more commonly known as Voltrolysis whereby voltage and harmonic oscillation is used in order to induce a covalent breakup between the oxygen and hydrogen constituting the water molecule. Depending on the water used in Voltrolysis, additional gases can be developed that is similar to standard Electrolysis since the presence of carbon in the water bath can induce a reaction with the liberated hydrogen and oxygen. But since no extra carbon chemical is added, the amount of possible hydrocarbon combinations is in the lower regions or highly limited.
As a side note, there is always the possibility that said chemicals can be evolved and found in a system where the prior art of gas development in line with these debates are possible and can therefor not be discarded all together. It is on the other hand more likely that the mentioned fuel and oxidizer is developed. It is therefor important to know that using a system where hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen is used as priming gases, we can conclude that carbon might be presented in the gases in a range of different chemicals. It is also normal to measure carbon in water at some percentage as long as we allow air gases to be exposed to and absorbed by the water, this also concludes that water used in a system installed in a car that are using non treated and incoming air (containing pollution - COx diluted air) will at some point in the system introduce this to the process. It is on the other hand quite hard to control the entire reaction of chemicals produced since the system is exposed to the outside environment. We also have the fact that different places on this planet contain a variety and amount of chemicals present in the air and when looking at this system in the manor I have presented here, we can fairly easy understand that we must leave some room for other chemicals developed.

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Thanks for the pdf.

I also had contact with Edward and with Tutanka.
There have been many discussions on how to create a possible new mix of gasses.
For sure, if you can ionize nitrogen and remove the freed electrons!, then maybe the ionized atom will attack the hydrogens electron.

I have achieved myself a better burnrate of H and O with help of ionized ambient air. Meaning Nitrogen and oxygen.
My engine much better, like 25% more power then on HHO and normal ambient air.
So, yes. Thats a good direction to research into.

Tutanka seems to have build plans ready, but he is asking 200 euro's for them, which is a lot of money for a normal Joe.
But is his reactor really works, then its worth every penny.

About getting water in your oil of engines.
That might happen. I havent seen it in my tests, but those engines never ran longer then 1 hour orso.
For sure, a normal ICE is not build for water..... ;)


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@ Steve.

I advice you to read my described reaction again. Notice that there are no freed electrons. You are mixing my and Edwards concept. All I do is to create nascent or atomic nitrogen - note: I do not take away electrons, that would make the process of ammonia and nitrous oxide formation impossible. All I do is to create a situation where available space within the atomic nitrogen can be re established using available electrons in the hydrogen atom.

The reactor Alessandro is promoting was developed together with Michael Nunerlay and was a terminated collaboration in the same style that me and Alessandro had.

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@ Steve.

I advice you to read my described reaction again. Notice that there are no freed electrons. You are mixing my and Edwards concept. All I do is to create nascent or atomic nitrogen - note: I do not take away electrons, that would make the process of ammonia and nitrous oxide formation impossible. All I do is to create a situation where available space within the atomic nitrogen can be re established using available electrons in the hydrogen atom.

The reactor Alessandro is promoting was developed together with Michael Nunerlay and was a terminated collaboration in the same style that me and Alessandro had.

Thank you Iontruster for pointing that out to me. I apologise for not reading proper your post.
Let me ask you the same question as i did towards Alesandro.
Have you build such reactor that re-establishe the atoms with all available electrons?
I find it very fascinating!


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unfortunately I have not, due to the lack of funding. There is however other experiments that prove the formation of ammonia in a similar environment that S.A.Meyer is using and talking about. I will however when time comes perform a crud setup in order to prove my own theory. I can not disclose any further information regarding this at the moment.
For the time being, even if I am convinced that ammonia and possibly nitrous oxide can be formed in the style and manor described will work, it is simply a matter of creating an environment that will promote the reaction, and that might in the end require a some changes to the method in use - this can be pressure and time such similar to the style Michael and Alessandro displayed. I do not have any plans on purchasing the plans Alessandro are offering, but if you are, let me know and maybe I can help you.

My conceptual design is not available in the public domain since this method (apparatus) might grant me a patent and is also more focused in terms of conversion efficiency and do in fact collect the knowledge a bit better.

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hmm, I couldn't find much infos in this thread. Could somebody explain to me what this is all about? What is the goal?.

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@ Lektor

Well, you could read Meyers patents in regards to EGR and Gas Processor and then read the PDF I wrote located in Reply #35 - page 8, that should help you understand what it is.

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Just returned back on that forum..  All start processing water and nitrogen. Meyer inside papers is obsessed from solar irradiation and non-combustible molecule (nitrogen) because have found an simple interaction from these when bombarded with uv beam. Initially Meyer use WFC cell producing brown gas and after use charge water vapour for semplify method. In all case thermal explosive energy isn't based on lost electrons as Meyer wrote but on new fuel formation. As you know brown gas don't have enough power for run an engine at 100% also if is reduced to atomic state. Brown gas born from water and  is water to gas state. Some peoples ask that inside brown gas are present other molecules like O3 and H3+, isn't correct. For obtain these you need an electro-catalyst (on cathode/anode). HOH (right brown gas composition) is just water gas with extra electrons and are these responsibles of interactions with some metals,etc..
Brown gas = electricity+water
Brown gas+ignition = electricity+water
HOH is just an CAPACITOR GAS. Yes... burn but don't have enough power needed for our applications because is just an water gas molecule, an transition molecule. Is important understand that.
The simple key of Meyer is that nitrogen is ionized in presence of water gas (extremely reactive) when togheter are irradiated from specific UV field, subsequently water gas molecules are splitted simply with another UV field.  You need two different UV wavelenghts as Meyer ask in some documents (see attached) but wavelenghts indicated are wrong!!
Some peoples ask about catalyst for obtain new fuel molecules like ammonia and nitrous oxide. Yes ..normally you need an catalyst that releases electrons for obtain new molecules formation but in our case we have capacitor water gas that released extra electrons accumulated inside needed for obtain right reaction.   
In all case THERMAL EXPLOSIVE ENERGY is formed from ammonia and nitrous oxide trough that chemical formula:
In internet you can found simply an pdf that  40% of ammonia and 60% of nitrous oxide are burned with only 0,07mJ releasing a lot of energy power in that way you don't need extra H2 as written from Patrick alias Iontruster alias Oneminde. See chemical formula above.. Is casually that are created same stechiometric percentages of NH3/N2O from water and nitrogen? Surely not!!
In that way for reach simply the same results of Meyer you need low percentage of HOH, nitrogen molecular and just one UV reactor. For build that you can use UV lamp or UV power led, not difference.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 16:23:02 pm by tutanka »