Author Topic: Start here your topics on the water injector & ambient airgasprocessor system  (Read 56128 times)

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What you are saying is that the stainless steel inner electrode will become an electron emitter at a certain alternating negative tension applied to it?

Negative relative to what?

The complete plans would be great  :) 

I reached 6,000 between the inner electrode and the outside of the cell having yet 800 between the tubes... I got gas with very pure "distilled" water... however was too small production..and burning lots of transistors...   is not so trivial

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Meyer use variable HV power supply using step-up transformer.. and hidden component inside WFC.. connected to only earth.

I am still trying to visualize what you mean exactly here.

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You don't need fixed voltage but tunable voltages and fixed frequency.
Water is earth, inner electrode is AC outer electrode is HV positive field.
Water is the dielectric, liquid electrode and hydrogen/oxygen source at the same time!!
Inner electrode is inside dielectric (connected to earth) !!
See how work electron generator of Patrick Flanagan.. you don't watch better!!!!
If now you don't have understand I sent you plans  ;D ;D
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 00:22:31 am by tutanka »

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Something like this ?

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yes, the truth is very close!

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Best example of Alex Petty circuit.. him have understand the way but forget ground inside water (casually?)
Jean Naudin instead have added the dielectric around inner electrode  ;)

However for obtain best results you need AC/DC (rectifier diode) heterodyne circuit.. suggest to use half-bridge driver simple and functional   :)
Merge all of these togheter and you obtain right process.
WFC can be designed differently for semplify and amplify the electron cascade and for solve high voltage discharges inside.
Remember that WFC in fact is an capacitor with metal around.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 11:25:56 am by tutanka »

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Hi Tut,

The schematic of Petty is not different then Meyers schematic.
So you are saying that if we have a ground hooked up to the negative innertube, we will see magic?
Do you have such a setup working?
Maybe its time for a little youtube movie as demonstration?


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The Alex Petty design in fact is the same of Meyer..

The WFC is an DBD reactor how INNER tube is coated (dielectric) outer tube not.
The circuit connection is OPEN and diode have function of half rectifier only.
Puharich use only RF , Meyer use voltage with heterodyne (two different pulsed frequencies inside cell).
Nothing is magic but all have an sense. You have to understand that ONLY water is grounded not INNER ELECTRODE. WFC is an open cell because electrons stripped have important function inside.   
If you change an little design and material of WFC you increase a lot gas production using electron cascade process. Patrick Flanagan is an better example, him charge an "dielectric from two plates, all is covered from dielectric".   In fact "covered dielectric" is our water and is the ground at the same time. Jean Naudin have covered inner electrode using an dielectric .. Extracted from Naudin web site:

"The center electrode of the WFC v1.0 has been covered with a thin adhesive plastic sheet so has to get a fully insulated cathod"

Naudin circuit isn't good because cathode is connected to ground and in that way dielectric absorption don't work!!