Author Topic: Start here your topics on the water injector & ambient airgasprocessor system  (Read 56129 times)

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Found some pics.

Is this the type of nitrogen filter you use, Tut?


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Yes, filter is that .. correct

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Very well my friend. I think now its clear to me... why you need two reactors?
First reactor is UV ionizer for all (water gas/nitrogen), second is UV splitting for water gas

Is these achievable using uv lamps? Or leds? x-rays? microwaves?
You can use uv lamp or leds , in all case as lens use quartz not glass

Is your production of HHO already over unity?
surely yes.. but you reach that using only electron avalanche method

How much power output increase we are talking about here? I mean relating the burn of pure H2 and your micronic fuel? What exactly do you mean by 3 times that of gasoline? what is the comparative parameter?
I have scientific document that prove that.. as meyer ask you need explosive energy ..

would be possible to use pure hydrogen than to create this micronic fuel? Or it needs the complete reaction?
you can use hydrogen but you need also oxygen for create nitrous oxide, don't forget that N2O is important inside that reaction.. thermal explosive energy is formed from nitrous oxide.. see my docs attached. with brown gas you have hydrogen/oxygen/extra electrons.. all in one

Cant you use the exhaust as source of nitrogen?
i don't suggest.. you need pure nitrogen and pure water gas.. you need to preserve your micronic production system for long time

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 About WFC cell some peoples ask many theories, the main is resonance of water... some peoples are working on that , on PWM circuits, to increase or decrease frequency.. change IC , add new capacitors, chokes, etc.. Personally I have an my theory that is confirmed from some experiments that I have started. For obtain more gas you need more energy power.. normally energy , see Faraday, is applied externally to circuit .. if you want generate 60LPM not problem you need some Kw but you reach success. I have found some little faraday cells on internet but the better cell that obtain 8LPM consume 1200W (50Ax24V) of power energy. Ok that is no the way.. but what is the way? Good question.. After some study and tests I have realized that the only way is electron avalanche, and I think the wfc cell of Meyer is based on that principle. But inside wfc cell I don’t find any electron emitter.. but how is possible then Meyer cell work? The answer is .. with that design meyer cell can’t work  because a piece is missing. Electrons are emitted using vacuum (not our case) or using dielectric.. the principle is called dielectric absorption. You charge and discharge the dielectric using an AC field and you reach point of break and you emits electrons. The positive field on outside tube is used for “amplify" the chain reaction inside water. We are talking of dielectric but water isn’t an best dielectric? AC is needed for dielectric absorption, DC is used as amplifier, the only lost part is electrons emitter.. you have only an outer tube and one inner tube. But what is the emitter? And why is missing? Surely for preserve Meyer secret. Can be more simple with complete drawing reproduce wfc cell. The only design where there is (hidden) the electron emitter is in that image attached. Need more fantasy for undestand how is positioned and what is the form. I have found that but only because my reactor work using same principle.

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Electrons create the gas through electron avalanche
Electrons are absorbed by water gas during process
Electrons are released when the gas dissociates or burn .
Electrons are natural catalyst.
I am convinced that this is the right way  ;D

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Is not possible that meyer reached this multipacting effect only by using right frequency, reaching a certain tension? You really think he hide something?

I discovered that he hide magnetic fields... and i think his chokes shouldn't be coupled to be free to oscillate at different frequencies... He might use a current source in later vics cause is easier to do it solid state, in opposition to the alternator voltage source.   

A voltage source have low internal impedance and can provide "infinite" amps in a short circuit, while a current source has high internal impedance provide aways the same current whatever is the impedance of the circuit so is not "fixed" voltage...Of course in real life one is a bit the other and other is a bit one-   

Meyer clearly stated his method was exactly to prevent electrolysis. In my point of view it has to do with impeding the ionic and or free electrons movement inside the cell, ions walks back and forth transporting charge, creating the leakage current or the water capacitor.

For meyer system higher frequency, low conductance of the water, is desirable to be able to restrict the amps. What matters is that the resistance of the water to DC current be many times (this reason is the Q factor) bigger than the reactances... Ionic movement and electron movement are prevented the smaller is the period.

I think meyer could be applying  5v 2 amps to the resonance not to the alternator field coils... 

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Ciao Fabio,
Nature think simply. We live thanks to the nature. Water, air, sun.. An my friend call Meyer "master of secrecy", and have right. Similarry to Leonardo da Vinci him have hidden some informations divided into some documents. Meyer was surely an great man but probably have found the wrong people. Inside documents and images that I have sended here is present every "water as dielectric", that is a clue. I'm sure that wfc work simply using dielectric absorption process. Meyer create brown gas? If yes extra electrons spiltted are presents inside. You need to focalize you on images sended yesterday from me. WFC have an ghost connection.. earth (or ground using an car). Meyer use AC not negative field in inner electrode and filter that on outer tube simply adding an hv diode trasforming in positive half field. But for create best electron avalanche you need ground. The key? Meyer use variable HV power supply using step-up transformer.. and hidden component inside WFC.. connected to only earth. Fabio I have spent years and  some moneys for study and  realized prototypes , my is private work .. but ...I want indicate to you the right way  because every one must be independent for energy creation but I can't sent you my plans.  You need to read better my words and after reassume all on paper. I hope you understand my point of view.. Regards Alessandro
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 17:54:19 pm by tutanka »

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I succeeded in doing electrolysis of distilled water doing this thing of putting ac in the inner electrode and positive on the outer... however I didn't achieved a huge production... look at this image… the problem is that the resonance was getting back in the primary and burning the mosfet so i stop working on that.

I'm ahead that meyer use this mystic ground but anyone could understand it well, i believe it to be the mounting ground of the cell (plastic insulation)... And i succeeded in oscillating the tuned coil with this capacitance between the inner cell and a "ground" electrode outside the insulated cell..

What would be a hiden component? a barium titanate? a magnet? a coil? the laser?

How about the ghost ground? please give us a direction.

I researched about every terms you talked about, to fully understand what you are saying, however still not clear the dielectric absorption process you mean.

I also believer Meyer found the wrong people, cause i know who also found them...
