Author Topic: Ultrasonic Nebulizer Array 3000mL per hour Cold Fog Generator WATER BURNS  (Read 171721 times)

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Ok guys here's the info we've been missing and if I could figure out this iPad a little better I have a whole bunch more.  Read under number 9 about resistive coating.

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These pdfs will help tie the info to ultrasonics if you read them.
Chapters 1,2,&3 are from Morgan Electroceramics.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 14:20:30 pm by fastimports3 »

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Ok guys here's the info we've been missing and if I could figure out this iPad a little better I have a whole bunch more.  Read under number 9 about resistive coating.

Is this similar as the white calcium layer that Ravi and others created during conditioning of the tubes?

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Hi Steve
  I don't believe it is a white calcium layer only because if you notice Stanley states in lieu of the outer SS tube this material could be used. So with that and the circuit Stanley depicts being so closely related to the ultrasonic generators circuits I have to say it's a piezoelectric material of some sort.

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My power supply.... Blackstone/Ney Multisonic 400watts RF

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My power supply.... Blackstone/Ney Multisonic 400watts RF

Nice equipment, FI3.

Just had a look at the Gordian Knot pdf.
Thats full of interesting info!
Thanks for sharing.

As you know, not many people are into researching the piezo options of Stan.
The pdf's who are showing for example the resistors at the tubes are not well discussed on the internet, i think.
Thats why i think you might be on something here. Just like the Ravi coating..


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Thank you Steve

The Multisonic unit without some type of coating on outside rod is no good for anything but heating the water very quickly. (Faster then my microwave) But using what I could get my hands on at the moment which was high temp engine paint which had some type of silicone product in it. In which I had to bake in the oven.  I got production of gas and the water stopped heating. Needless to say that coating was very short lived but it has me headed down the right road I'm sure. In Stan's PDF under number 9 you will notice he talks about replacing outside rod with this resistive material. I'm about to launch a Kickstarter myself I've been putting together over the last month or so. I was gonna go small in the pledge amount but once I realized the impact and actual cost brought to my attention by some older folks. I figured better to have too much then not enough in this matter. I'm granting everyone a preview to this from the site. I'm not great with this house keeping stuff online and film school is definitely not my strong spot. So take it easy guys this is some of the stuff the large some of funds will be used for. I invite anyone who wants to join in and make this happen to get ahold of me. I'm open sourcing the process but reserving all rights to proprietary parts for myself and the actual engineer who help bring that particular part to light. I'm sure there will be plenty of places to fill and lots of work for all who want it. Your support will be appreciated. Thank you for following my post. FI3

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This btw is how I found Kickstarter I don't know who made it but I figured this is what I've been waiting for so I'm going for it.