This is EXCELLENT!! Well done!!!
Did you make any important changes to your 60 series cell, I assume it is a 5 series x 12 in parallel, or 6 x 10?
Are you using NaOH/KOH?
Wouter, i changed my view on things a bit.
As you know, i ran always on tapwater without naoh or koh.
But there are 2 big issues with that.
1. its less efficient
2. The brown scum is terrible, even with all the filters in the world.
The only way to get a reasonable production with tapwater is with a tiny gap and the brown scum likes it there very much. So, my plates have been sanded for the third time in half a year now.
So, current cell is with the same plates of 30cm by 10cm. But it has now a gap of 1mm in stead of 0.5mm.
I was advised to go to 3mm, but with my low height of 10cm, it can be reduced to 1mm.
Thanks to Ausepom, i switched the holes per plate, meaning, not 1 hole is in a strait line with the next one.
I also played now for first time with KOH and NAOH. It seems my cell like NAOH a fraction better.
Its not the best cell in the world, but for the plates i have, it does a good job.
All 60 plates are in serie. Accoording to Faraday it does a 87%.
I tried other options, like 5 series of 12, but what i try, i always end up with one big seriecell.
To be honest, 50 plates would be the best, but i needed more gas, so i added 10 extra.
I have some plates left, so maybe i will make me a 13.8V version as extra.
Does your tubecells still doing 95% efficiency?