Author Topic: 3500 rpm on water......  (Read 17755 times)

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Re: 3500 rpm on water......
« Reply #32 on: November 27, 2009, 23:25:20 pm »
Hang on!?

Steve; cant you even start the engine on the cold output of your cell?
One would think it would idle on cold volumes?

Now; to double hydrogen volume!  :)

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Re: 3500 rpm on water......
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2009, 11:14:02 am »
Hang on!?

Steve; cant you even start the engine on the cold output of your cell?
One would think it would idle on cold volumes?

Now; to double hydrogen volume!  :)

There are some issues on the coldstart. First, you need more fuel.
I think i do not produce enough HHO to make it run cold.
At the top of my current tests, my cell produces around 9 ltres per minute....
Thats basically because otherwise i blow upmy variac. I already have mounted a fan on it, preventing it to burn up. Its a max 4 amp variac and i punish it with a load till around 11 at top.
At 9 amps, the engine idles. At 11 it revs up till up 3500rpm.
Second, the engineparts are having more tolerance and hydrogen goes anywhere.
I think i do not produce enough HHO to make it run cold.
At the top of my current tests, my cell produces around 9 ltres per minute....

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Re: 3500 rpm on water......
« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2009, 11:19:28 am »
Hang on!?

Steve; cant you even start the engine on the cold output of your cell?
One would think it would idle on cold volumes?

Now; to double hydrogen volume!  :)

It crossed my mint too. I have seen those UV lamps. They seem to have to right frequency.
I am now on the mindset to make the ambient air gasprocessor in comby with my current running bike setup.

I am a little scared to build me a HV tubeset with leds or other UV provider in comby with HHO.
After reading Stans doc, where he used HHO injector on the intake and a ambient air gasprcessor, i was thinking that that should be a good way to progress. So, stopping with the heatexchanger.

If i would get any reaction with such an airgasprocessor, lets say, i would get rocketfuell, then next step would be the waterspray injector in comy with that airporcessor.


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Re: 3500 rpm on water......
« Reply #35 on: November 28, 2009, 11:31:12 am »
Cold water fog or super fine water mist might be something easy to try.  Water to steam expansion is 1:1800 by volume.  Also what Herman Anderson used.  The finer the better. 
