I would Donate you a scope if i could, However I would like to have one to lol. I can not seem to get my feet planted firmly enough on the ground to break down and buy one. I can share this with you, You'll probably fry your first scope some how, it happens. So i recommend you to find a scope for about 40 or 50 bucks from ebay, And, get a high voltage probe if you're going to be testing high voltage.
A DSO or, Digital Storage Oscilloscope you can Reverse, and play back to watch what waves was recorded. The others you just see as you probe, which is ok to. Channels, 1 channel is good if your begging, you will pay for a 2 channel scope dearly. However, there is absulutly nothing wrong with only having a 1 channel scope, I use to have one and there wasn't hardly anything i couldn't do with it. I tested a Lifter, Ufo and it fried it, Others fry theirs threw grounds, I think stevie whent down that road with his.
Older scopes also doesn't show you what freq your probing, the newer ones do.