Author Topic: Oscilloscope  (Read 12112 times)

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« on: November 03, 2009, 02:30:25 am »
I need an Oscilloscope. I'll have to buy one in the near future. (Maybe for Christmas!?)

There are things on this alternator set up that I want to learn about more closely, and then I'll build a solid state set up too.

I am looking for advice, suggestions, tips, and stuff, for what I should be looking for in a scope.

Please, if you have any experience to offer on the subject, let me know!

Here is a picture of Stan's Scope: (1993 Video)

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Re: Oscilloscope
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2009, 06:57:13 am »
I would Donate you a scope if i could, However I would like to have one to lol. I can not seem to get my feet planted firmly enough on the ground to break down and buy one. I can share this with you, You'll probably fry your first scope some how, it happens. So i recommend you to find a scope for about 40 or 50 bucks from ebay, And, get a high voltage probe if you're going to be testing high voltage.

A DSO or, Digital Storage Oscilloscope you can Reverse, and play back to watch what waves was recorded. The others you just see as you probe, which is ok to. Channels, 1 channel is good if your begging, you will pay for a 2 channel scope dearly. However, there is absulutly nothing wrong with only having a 1 channel scope, I use to have one and there wasn't hardly anything i couldn't do with it. I tested a Lifter, Ufo and it fried it, Others fry theirs threw grounds, I think stevie whent down that road with his.

Older scopes also doesn't show you what freq your probing, the newer ones do.

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Re: Oscilloscope
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2009, 00:12:19 am »
gotta be careful with them things donald.. the shipping on that item is 200 bucks.

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Re: Oscilloscope
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2009, 02:55:01 am »
posting these pretty much for me, i'll check back through them as i learn more

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Re: Oscilloscope
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2009, 23:20:49 pm »
I asked one of my Engineering Professors how I might get a hold of an oscilloscope... there is the Physics Lab, but they might not like me playing with non-school stuff in there. So he showed me this old thing...

He said "I don't know if it works, I never turned it on, all I know is that I saved it from the garbage when the Physics Lab was getting rid of it"







As far as I can tell, it turns on, the fan goes, the vacuum tubes light up and glow, and I did see a small green trace on the screen as I plugged it in.

There are no probes, and no manual. It is a Heathkit Model 10 - 14. It's Huge!

It might be more trouble than it's worth trying to get this thing into operation, I could get a PC based Oscilloscope, I just got a PC from the engineering lab for free too, so that would work as a dedicated PC-Scope.

When I'm playing with the alternator I really just want to see the waveform shape, and maybe a rough count of frequency, and later on I would need more detailed information from a scope.

Does anyone have any advice on Probes?? if I can get some probes I can play around with it and see if I could get a signal to show up.

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Re: Oscilloscope
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2009, 10:49:28 am »
Thats a nice piece of antique!
Of course a pc scope is more usefull because of new options, like making a plot over a certain time periode.
I suggest you take any prope you can find that fits.
With this Meyer stuff its more to get a good impression of what kind of wave you get, but it really doesnt matter if you read 10 or 12 volts or 1.6 or 1.7Kv.
That scope will do fine in the audio range, btw.
I love those old vacuum tubes!
