High Voltage Circuit VIC - Updated 18/12/2009:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Factors to consider in my mind:
-Sharp pulses (<< rise-time) sharp pulses more EM field generated
-Pulse frequency (f1) Resonance Frequency of the primary coil! Max. AC voltage from coil.
-Gate frequency (f2) Frequency for optimal water molecule pulling/tearing (gap size depended) HHO production? Don't know if gating modulated over pulse will work on primary coil? Require more start current when used this type of gating. Maybe we must use external gating for this?
-Duty cycle pulse (f1) (+40%-+60%) -50/+50% Optimal Electron Bouncing Effect in the choke (controlling feedback current)
-Duty cycle gate (f2) for optimal water molecule pulling/tearing (gap size depended) HHO production?
-Voltage input Amplitude (primary coil step-up transformer) (T1) (more voltage more HV more and faster HHO production larger EM fields) but develops more current in the primary coil.
-T1 step-up factor (generate HV from LV)
-T1 inductance
-T1 resistance
-Choke (L1-L2) bifilar
-L1=L2 inductance (>>10H?) higher means lower resonance frequency, higher capacitance, larger WFC resonance bandwidth, simpler to adjust (pulse/gate).
-L1=L2 resistance (11k6Ohm?) higher potentials, lower currents.
-Core type (iron, laminated) EI-core!
-WFC cell adjustable gap size (determines HV necessary to pull the water molecule apart, resistance factor in series with choke) .
-WFC pipe/plate length/height (voltage zones skin-effect).
-DIODE High Voltage Low current (20kV /10mA)
I want to share this info...
I tested a simple made toroid coil with ferrite core. I connected this to my new PWM pulser, controlled with micro-controller. The difference I saw in compare of my 555 pulser is that this coil has now High Voltage as output. Use of the 555 pulser signal had no HV!!!
I think this has occurred: because of the extra sharp pulses (rise-time) from the PWM the core reacts different to the sharp pulses.
Sharp pulses are important. Duty cycle of pulse signal was 5% at low frequency to restrict amps. 50% and I have no HV at secondary only amps consumer.

When I use this secondary coil winding and connect (positive) to diode to my +WFC and (negative) to -WFC, the voltage drops to zero on the scope, but when I short the (-WFC) lead to the (+WFC) I can see sparks, so little current at HV is flowing through the WFC cell. No bubbles are detected in the cell.
So I think I have work to do, make a bigger step-up coil, and bif-chokes at a designated resonance frequency adapted for this WFC cell. lol

One thing that works is my micro-controller controlled PWM.
