In this post the information I provide is for the resonant cavity cell.This information doesn't apply to the demo cells.Those types of cells didn't work in resonance.So keep that in mind when reading this info.
Now most of you that read this post should already know that Stan was using voltage potential to seperate the water molecule.He was using electrical attraction/repelling forces.
At the end of this post there will be a pdf file with the sentence underline to refer to for this post.
The most important sentence on that whole page sums up what Stan was doing.He states that "Applied electrical attraction force(TT) and (UU) always being of equal voltage intensity but opposite in electrical polarity as voltage amplitude(65) is attenuated.
Lets break that down a little.First he states that the applied electrical force needs to be of equal voltage intensity.What does that mean?He means that you will need the same voltage on both plates at the same time. ie: 1000 volts on the positive and the negative at the same time.BUT it needs to be of Opposite Polarity!That means you need +1000 volts on the positive plate and -1000 volts on the negitive plate.
Now why does it need to be that way?Think about it.If you are to pull the water molecule apart,you need to apply the pulling force to both sides of the molecule at the same time and of the same force.If you have a voltage differential of 1000 volts,where as you would read with a volt meter,you have a +1000 volts on the positive plate and 0 volts on the ground.Now what's going to happen? You'll just pull the molecule toward the positive plate.Because you don't have an opposite force pulling back toward the negitve plate.The pulling force need to work from both sides at the same time of the same force.
So what is the voltage across the water? If we have a +1000 volts and a -1000 volts on the voltage zones, we will have 0 volts,because they balance each other out.The voltage isn't being used on the water,it's being used on the plates to create the electrical fields to pull on the positve and negitve polarities of the water molecule.The more voltage there is,the greater the Attraction/Repelling forces become.So all were doing is pulling on the water molecule with voltage,not appling it to the water.
So how do we read the voltage at the cell?If we can't read it across the cell, then how?
You read it just like all of Stans drawing show.On one side of the cell.All his drawings show the unipolar pulses with the step charging between the cell and the top choke.You will need a ocilliscope to see this voltage.A volt meter won't read this voltage because there isn't any current there to make the meter work properly.I believe Warp pointed that out.And I have seen this first hand.The scope lead ground clip needs to be attached to your power supply ground.Then you will see the voltage.
Do you now see what it is Stan says he was doing? It took me a long time to grasp what he had put in our face the whole time.I must have read his papers a dozen times or more,and I never put it all together,until about a month ago.
Thats it for this post.I will put more in later.