Great job Warp.
To let it resonate with the water, what variables are to be adjusted? Not the choke size,and frequency,since they are tuned for maximum voltage - I think it is important to create a very small cell, like Meyer did in his later work with HV.
The production is not small when you're using 1 tube, However it takes time if you're using 9 tubes.
Try an extremely small cell. ?
The Freq of the Potential to come From the choke must be a Resonate Freq with the Water molecule. I have No Clue of the Freq coming from that choke, I know i Melted it in that setup a while back using milliamps and Rf waves. See the black on the choke? Rf did that not current. This can also give you RF burns at certain freqs.
9 tubes is all i had to offer, i did not have the time to construct 1 cell as i have cleaned out.
Sebosfato, Lets see you light a bulb with 9 tubes in parallel using tap water, YET with a bulb of such in PARALLEL with the 9 Parallel tubes.
It looks easy, you say it is easy, I have thousands of hours in this field, I know without a doubt you are full of shit, I know how lucky i am to be able to do this.
Do not dog me until you do it,, Because more than likely you will not be able to. As far as not leaving enough information for replications, I left more than enough, I left a video and i also give information on the Key parts in order to get this to work.
You are a Bad Seed for this technology, Dogging someones work claiming to have already done it. OK, whatever, I do not see you demonstraigting anything even close to what i have done. My videos is for those boys that want to take it to the next level, We will see just how long it takes for these guy's to replicate my work.
Its on camera, video live showing it can be done, Sebosfato says its easy, So, Lets see them replications. I bet sebo will be the first one to become a Failure at it. Show us your proof Mr Big guy.
BTW, when the light is not in parallel with the tubes, the voltage goes much higher,, Tell you what Sebo, lets see you just put 60 volts across 1 tube containing tap water, see how easy that is for ya, Remember, I Shown thousands on video already using just 1 tube, That video is here on this forum somewhere. You can get the voltage across the negative terminal without any choke, The trick is getting it across the positive terminal as well, That you will fail at. But, watch my video for when you're in doubt big boy.