Author Topic: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)  (Read 16111 times)

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2009, 11:57:28 am »
Basic Operation of a Simple Design of Meyer.

This is how I think My vic is working.

To Follow this, Get your mind in Gear. Lets put everything is position, and make this simple. Chokes are like capacitors, they emit emf, or discharges.

A Choke fact that must be known before I begin.
1. Charging The left side of a choke with Negative voltage"Transformer," The choke will always "Discharge" Positive EMF or Voltage back to the transformer, And Continue to send Negative voltage to the fuel cell.

2. Chokes are like capacitors, For Example. They become charged. BUT, Coils of wire has an advantage. When they discharge,, the discharge polarity of the coil changes. Example, There is always power to the fuel cell when the choke is not being charged "Because the choke is discharging."

3. Imagination, When trying to charge a chokes left terminal with negative voltage, That choke is trying to reverse and give back a positive voltage to the negative power source if negative voltage was being used. Vice Versa.

It does not get any Simpler than that!

When I pulse a choke, using my transformer, That choke takes a charge threw the diode and fuel cell, There will be some current flow when charging a choke, in the milliamps.

I use the choke on my negative Side as shown on video. I send Negative Voltage and Current threw the choke to the fuel cell, The fuel cell Reacts to the small milliamps of current used to charge the choke threw the diode, You can see gas production due to current flow.

Once the power to the choke is switched off in my design, A positive pulse of voltage is still sent to the fuel cell. This voltage does not contain current flow. here is why.

When the transformer switches off, it no longer sends a negative voltage to my choke, It is trying to send a positive voltage to the choke, But it can not because of the diode, And, At that same time the choke is trying to also send a positive voltage to the transformer.

When in this mode as just described, it is like hooking 2 AA batterys in parallel with a load between the 2 positive terminals of the aa battery, and with the 2 negative terminals connected, One battery may be weaker than the other, what happens there is not that important.

"Voltage Potential is born." The Negative Terminal of the fuel cell only see's voltage, Current flow "it is not possible." The Choke "Resonates" during the pulse off time.

Understood, voltage is being produced from the transformer even though power is removed, the voltage is also in series with the chokes discharge voltage. Clearly, 2 voltage sources, "Transformer" and "choke"  both discharging is in ,,, "Parallel" Just like I described with putting a load between the 2 parallel batteries. "No current can flow."

As i have said, and learned, you will not gain a positive voltage on the positive lead of the fuel cell if you do not use the right,,, Resonating core. The Core plays a Large, and most important role in gaining this potential across the cell.

We Clearly have a problem, Our voltage Sources is now in parallel, and we have a Load, fuel cell connecting the parallel voltage sources together. You see no gas because of this.

Big Rule. As Stated, Stans circuit is clearly neat. My above text shows how ignorant such a design can be. However, In stans design, Which is very important, He uses Biffiar primary on his Step up transformer. What does this do?

When the AA batterys are in parallel, like stated with a load there in between, the voltage source from the choke can go threw the transformer more easily when it is biffiler wrapped. Even though it is like the AA battery method, Biffilar wrapping the secondary transformer "Changes things."

Even though it appears to be 2 voltage sources in parallel, Because Biffilar secondary winding was used the emf from the choke can take advantage of this, A Positive Potential is Born on the positive lead of the fuel cell, But not due to the winding, Only due to the core. My Choke can send such potential to the transformer, "But my transformer is not Biff." SO, i do not get the full meyer effect because of that. During the pulse off time, "The Diode does get used." But, there is 0 current flow, Hence, "Standing wave." This Explains the potential i use in my videos to light Bulbs in parallel with my cell while using tap water. Kilovolts are read across the cell, No matter the water type.

Voltage Potential, What is it?

It can be used to Pick up paper, Levitate it. It has a push pull effect on the water molecule, According to meyer. Voltage Attracts stuff like paper, stuff that magnetics has no effect on. It can attract human hair or whatever. Magnets can not do this. "This voltage potential is what I managed to get across tap water."

Voltage Potential Moves at a freq, In this case the freq of the voltage potential at which it viberates, or resonates is determined by the choke core and coil around it. The choke can be tuned to desired resonate freq of that choke. When the choke is resonating the voltage potential across the cell is resonating. When the voltage potential across the water resonates at the same freq of water, Due to the uniq meyer desin the molecule gets pulled apart by a Voltage Potential Resonate Action caused by the Choke.

I have here kilovolts across a fuel cell, "My core allowed this."

I have here, The Wrong freq of voltage potential to the fuel cell, I know this because the water is not falling apart as it should. My Choke core, and windings, and pulsing circuits is not hitting the right freq of water. However, I have proved meyer voltage, The Voltage is no good because of the wrong freq i am using. My choke may not be able to gain the proper freq due to its size, wire gauge, shape and windings.

A Choke, it is Much like a Magnetron, The choke IS a resonate Cavity. It is like a Mignetron. You send a magnetron 60 hertz and the resonate cavity "Magnetron" Produces Mghz. The Choke to Resonates just like the magnetron, It to can produce Megahertze etc,,. However, the resonate action on this choke should be tuned to explore an wide range of different Frequencies. This is how to alter the Frequency of the Voltage Potential, Push Pull effect on the water molecule. "Tune this choke."

However, I have no current tunable choke. Designs should be made to alter the chokes resonate frequency, But first you must have the proper core material to do this. If you alter the resonate frequency of the Choke, The Frequency of the Push Pull effect on the water molecule will be altered as well. Once the right Push pull effect on the water due to only voltage as been established, the water comes apart. The choke determins the speed of this push pull voltage effect on the water molecule.

You can have Millions of Voltage Potential across the water molecule, Litterly Millions. But, If the Voltage Potential is not resonating across the water at the proper freq nothing is going to happen.

The choke must be tuned so the resonate voltage across the cell can be changed threw a wide range of test. The Choke puts voltage to the cell, whater resonate freq the choke is resonating at is the same resonate freq that will be applied across the water molecule. Aparently I have gained the needed voltage, It is just simply "Out of Tune." The Voltage Being applied across my water is not at the right freq, it is wiggling and rocking at the wrong freq because I'm not smart enough to know how to tune it.

The Biff wrapps of the secondary Transformer Does have an effect on the voltage being dilivered to the fuel cell. Biff may make the potential Stronger to the fuel cell. My transformer is not biff.

There is much testing that needs to be done.

I Posted this for however is interested in what is going on, I am not the best at explaining it, But the goal is to give you the ideal. So, I hope it is a little more clearer now to you. This is not stans explainitaion, it is mine, Just on stans vic. I hope i've helped someone out there.

Also, it will not hurt to try SS wire on this setup, However i used no ss wire to get the voltage potential, And, my 9 tubes does start flowing pretty good after about 1 min, But still, you cant see this great flow on video that well. 1 tube, it shows lots of gas and very good flow. But, still i didn't hit resonance and the flow i was getting was due to the charge of the choke, not voltage potential. Once you tune in your suppost to consume about a gallon every 10 min's, or something along them lines according to stan. 

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2009, 15:47:47 pm »
your description is neath and everything makes sense.
The rf waves and relation of the choke to a magnetron is very plausible to me.
All we need is a right core with a variable connection setting on its coil.

how do you think is the earth ground involved in this?
When you say bifilar secondary you mean having them connected in series ?

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2009, 19:57:37 pm »
what it means, 2 wires in parallel on the secondary. Its labeled in some of stans drawings of the vic. Just, 2 of the same secondarys hooked together.

The ground is connected to a Resonating coil, I have yet found where to put an antenna. The Choke is tunable, I guess like a radio. Google isolated ground vs ground or something.

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2009, 20:02:28 pm »
"I use the choke on my negative Side as shown on video. I send Negative Voltage and Current threw the choke to the fuel cell, The fuel cell Reacts to the small milliamps of current used to charge the choke threw the diode, You can see gas production due to current flow."


i agree with your perspectives for the most part..  u say you hit the choke with the negative output of your transformer.. what are the results from taping only the positive side of the transformer and connecting the negative to ground for both choke and secondary?   to create a high positive  would that not cause current and diplacement of electrons out of positive choke?   i think is makes for sense to try to pull electrons over water rather then feeding electrons pushing them into a barrier such as water.  a thunderstorm cloud is a build up of positive energy in the cloud (polarized and missing electrons)  it builds enough potential as a positive capacitance that it eventually  goes through a atmospheric dielectric breakdown in a sense.. a cloud causes a pulling action on earth grounds electrons..  they condense and build up there capacitance not by forcing them in  a confined space but by the pulling of the positvely charged cloud..  when lighting strikes you have the flow of electrons into the sky into the cloud. the cloud in return is sending light aka positive radiant energy back in return...  when the cloud takes on the electrons it causes the cloud to lose its positive energy state..  for a cloud to loose its positive capacitive energy state is for water to drop from its evaporated etheric state and condense back to droplets aka density.. when this starts to occur a cloud will start to become dark.. when it is dark it is in a lower energy state there for is capable of taking on more radiant energy rather then reflect (why is snow white?)

all in all the more winds on the choke is like how big the cloud is and how much it is capable of holding as a charge (capacitance)..  the water is the barrier just like the atmosphere. (as well as the stainless steel encoperated in the system... stainless is like adding distance between the cloud and earth ground... making it more work to discharge rather then just polarizing on the choke side by side.  i would deffinitly think that you would have more advantage at elongating electron orbits by letting the negative choke play earth ground and hitting the positive side with postive emf.  that way you are not forcing a current on the circuit but forcing it to pull its own current through earth ground. the pulsing will cause a tickling to the molecule water on the positive plate side of the gap i would think.. once system is charged i see vacuum having to pull electrons across water this.. imagine dielectric strength in a system like that... by only applying a positive emf you are only forcing a imploding effect of potential in the positive choke..   and allowing the abrasive force (electrons) be pulled into the circuit... i myself say the force of negative emf is what causes a choke to get hot.. it may also be due to not a tru 50 percent duty cycle.

one more thing i would like to add..  notice the ripple that stan meyers alternator puts off with 3 phase bridge rectification.. its a steady amplitude with a rippleing peak...  how would a scr (silicon controled rectifier) react to the output? would the falling edge of every phase pulse be sufficient for turning off the scr? would this mean that as long as gate is held on to the thyrosistor /(SCR)  then you would achieve a high amplitude repitition of the pulse leading edge? the falling edge is allways appearing unseen to the scope since the diode cuts off reverse current... resembling the stan meyer tidal wave pulse??. and how would stan meyers pulsing circuit work for gating that scr.. and how would the right choke react to that?

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2009, 20:25:00 pm »
As the setup sits at work with voltage present, Kilovolts, There is 0 current flow in those kilivolts. The Goal is to use voltage effects to break the water. Now we have the knowledge of gaining such a voltage, Now, it should be tuned. Current flow I do not think is a good thing.

Any other arangement would destroy the circuits operation, Any arangement to cause current flow will result is low voltage being read across the cell. The circuit, its like its not complete, But due to the secondary polarity and wrapp methode it is complete, Its a Ghost circuit. I leave it at that. 

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2009, 20:47:01 pm »
i think once the circuit is displaced (charged) you rely on the resistance of water to regulate the current.. by relying on water rather then forcing water it will accelerate at its natural freq and occur at its own resonance.

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2009, 04:07:13 am »
Hrm, when voltage takes over there is no current, Which is why it can be read directly across the water, Its a strange circuit.

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Re: Thousands Of Volts Read (Directly) across tap water, (Tubes)
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2009, 08:10:38 am »
More on standing wave, "Voltage Potential."
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 08:25:50 am by Warp »