In series resonance xl and xc must be = , current will be maximized and in phase @ the source and = to whatever your R component is . And voltage @ the borders of each reactive component will be maximized .
But the VIC has 2 parralel RLC networks that resonate ( do they ?? ) and one series rlc that also resonate , not too bad ... Problem is that the XC water component is a mystery , does it really provide a 90 degree extra phase shift ?? Its XC mixed with R paralell wich is actually in the water , the phase shift will be reduced by a good % , so more heat . Second problem , we are using a square inpulse with a diode ! DOPE ! Not an AC sine signal with no diode ... Or perhaps he is matching the really reduced XL-R//XC-R of the choke to match the really reduced XC//R component of the water bath and still getting his XC=XL series
So basicly this means you have to factor in fourrier analysis is you wanna come close with just algebra on paper calculating the L and C components , the classical pi equations are no good here , and the diode .... These two things makes this difficult .
Lets say you have to add mechanical vibration of w/e tubes you have , this will oscillate @ a fixed frequency . This reduces your movement so to speak to play with numbers , your frequency will have to be factored in when you calculate .
Illogical things I notice is that the inner winding capacitance will never be as big as the XL of the choke , this whole section (7-5 from tech brief ) looks like a pain to match , an outside capacitot may have to be used . I would be amazed if he was relying on the chokes capacitance for this , that too is another calculation .