Hrm, I would just like to state, The date i registered at is about a month or 2 after i had started researching stan. I would also like to add, eight, (
hours a day was nothing, I contributed about 12 hours most days, "Including sundays" and to be honest, I do not remember a day that i didn't research stan. Some days "I didn't even sleep."
The research i did was "More" than an 40 hour week job, "I simply loved what i was doing." And, Dating back i have about 3 years Plus "OverTime" Researching nothing but stan. Again, for 3 years, "I isolated my self from the outside world." Up until a few months back, "I backed off."
By now, I think i have a Pretty good ideal what stan was up to, Not to speak, "I spent all me hard earned dollars" on that man.
If you want to end up where I am at, its going to be a long confusing road, I've been down that road already. I'm just stating to you, in my mind, This appears "Silly," Thats as far is i will go with that. I have given Plausable recomendations of how i think stan was running that beetle, And, best by research it best fits his explainitations.
I do not mind watching you, "Try" to attempt the road i've already been down, Which is why i am stepping to the side.
It was my goal to put here what i could Before i ran out of time, It's now here what i wanted to share. It is here now in one spot not strolled all over hundreds of post. These are my words i wish to leave behind, And the words are good.
I wish you all the best of luck, finding resonance of which stan demonstraights, Good Luck.