The video you posted is not of any value and has nothing to do with the alternator, its a dave lawton circuit with a minor flaw fixed. It still performs the same it just doesn't burn up as the lawton circuit will. The core as mentioned prior on this forum and lost sent to dynodon now is the heart of this system not shown in this video, that core was about 1 inch in diameter. The core can "allow" a frequency the warm the copper coil in a way the copper will begin to melt in the MA range with very little power usage on the primary. The core was never identified which is why I sent it out to others to sample the material which never got sampled, the core is lost.
There are many ways to research this type of work, So far I have a few pdf's out on this forum under this name and it explains much about the meyer incident. The photo that shown meyer generating 3 phase electrical current onboard the buggy got vaporized from the internet, you will not find it.
Water can be vaporized at very little power, but the bond is oppissites attract and alikes repel, one day it will be possible to do what you're searching for, it will take someone like you to figure it out. Once it is figured out and unlocked, it will then be explained like that of a Heat Pump.
Dont wast your time on the alternator, Fuel cells are in love with 3 phase direct current, if you're using single phase direct current your wasting your time.