Author Topic: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly  (Read 238705 times)

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #504 on: November 13, 2013, 12:11:22 pm »
No one is working on this anymore?Komtek whats your voltage coming out of your rewound stator?have you tried it?thanks!
Btw i figured how Stan wound his alt.,tried it but it didnt was either wired wrong on purpose or it is not his stator...

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #505 on: November 16, 2013, 23:48:29 pm »
No one is working on this anymore?Komtek whats your voltage coming out of your rewound stator?have you tried it?thanks!
Btw i figured how Stan wound his alt.,tried it but it didnt was either wired wrong on purpose or it is not his stator...

Hi Adys,

What do you expect how the alternator should work?
I know for sure that the alternator setup was a high amp pump for a tube cell configuration. Nothing else. Nothing to do with low amps and high voltage.
My close friend held.his hands on the cables during.his visit at Stans place....

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #506 on: November 17, 2013, 00:16:50 am »
Steve,i was refering to the rvic not the demo one,at 40A of course it was hot

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #507 on: November 18, 2013, 01:51:12 am »
Three Phase Direct Current has a Wild leg on Wye Configuration and does not on Delta. I witnessed Resonance on a Delta Configeration between the Tube cell and the Delta Alternator at a tuned in frequency of around 1k hertz applied at the alternators stator where the Fqa30N40 acted as a current limiting device and amplifier to the stater where the outputted voltage to the cell was around 20v give or take the current being massive 30 to 50 amps to the best of my knowledge.

When the Cell is Custum Built as in a variable Gap that can be controlled the closer the gap the lower the voltage and higher the current flow. There is a desired voltage for a 1.5mm gap and 6 inch tubes, thats why it is important to use the pwm at the stator to tune in. There will result no enormous amount of gas just a reduced current flow at the driver moter when a resonance accures. Ther needs to be a capacitor in parallell with the cell being tested.

The setup is not worth the research as I've already done it with stevo, However, at a commercial rate with a large cell Commercial 3 phase is a cure for the hydrogen problem. There are many types of water on earth and between me and you our water varies tremendously which what the tuners job does on a higher respected circuit. Water itself is not conductive thats where scientist are now looking. Take for example a cool sunny morning just before winter just after a light rain, you can see the fog of the water being evaporated by the frequency being applied by the sun itself. Can you tap into that and replicate that? if so you just vaporized water, just as the vaporized uses a frequency on youtube. Still, the bonds in that matter was not effected, no spark ignites the sky. Water as a fuel is a type of steam with no Flame point, or no Combustible Point. Contamination of hydrogen will cause the watergas to have a combustible temperature as before it didn't have one. Watergas as a fuel is synthetic, havent you watched my video to see it burn at a rate slower than that of propane. Username on youtube TheBrianCoats

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #508 on: November 18, 2013, 12:01:00 pm »
Hy Brian,you reached resonance with only 20v at the cell?i also pulsed the rotor but the freq seems just to control the curent,lower freq less curent,higher freq more curent is flowing to the rotor.You said you and Steve replicated the alt setup Its a thread here?,but did u use stan's stator with 18leads and windind config?
//off//Brian could you post a schematic  of this

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #509 on: November 20, 2013, 01:07:41 am »
The video you posted is not of any value and has nothing to do with the alternator, its a dave lawton circuit with a minor flaw fixed. It still performs the same it just doesn't burn up as the lawton circuit will. The core as mentioned prior on this forum and lost sent to dynodon now is the heart of this system not shown in this video, that core was about 1 inch in diameter. The core can "allow" a frequency the warm the copper coil in a way the copper will begin to melt in the MA range with very little power usage on the primary. The core was never identified which is why I sent it out to others to sample the material which never got sampled, the core is lost.

There are many ways to research this type of work, So far I have a few pdf's out on this forum under this name and it explains much about the meyer incident. The photo that shown meyer generating 3 phase electrical current onboard the buggy got vaporized from the internet, you will not find it.

Water can be vaporized at very little power, but the bond is oppissites attract and alikes repel, one day it will be possible to do what you're searching for, it will take someone like you to figure it out. Once it is figured out and unlocked, it will then be explained like that of a Heat Pump.

Dont wast your time on the alternator, Fuel cells are in love with 3 phase direct current, if you're using single phase direct current your wasting your time.

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #510 on: November 20, 2013, 01:59:54 am »
Thanks Brian,i said ''offtopic'' when i asked about your video.What picture is about?it has been on the forum?I know he had that rediline inverter ,drivemotor,alternator...

''Dont wast your time on the alternator, Fuel cells are in love with 3 phase direct current, if you're using single phase direct current your wasting your time''
is that not contradictory?

Brian...for 3 years i'v build anything that could be built in terms of vic's cells..etc...and the bigest problem with stans resonant cells is that no mater how high the vōltage the vic outputs,when the tubeset is conected you end up with 10v no mater the frq...if you put multiple cells in series the voltage raises a bit but then production in very i think this sistem is idiotic...even stan had problems with 1tubeset and hook them in no real production...
The alt.seems to do more ''work''  but hard to get the voltage up because the small coils,cramped space,etc...
I'v already sayd that i figured his winding style,tested it but didnt work...
Can you detail a bit the resonance  with alternator that you talked bout?

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #511 on: December 02, 2013, 00:09:42 am »
Stan used a 12v to 220v rotary converter to feed a single phase to 3 phase phase converter with a married fuel cell that operated at larger current and no lye. At resonance harmonics lessened the load on the oem alternator cutomized on the buggy. I recommend finding my pdf here for download.