Donald,i read every page of this forum multiple times not just once,mostly your comments,outlaw's,komtek,Don's...trying to figure out how an alternator works and why Stan used an alt instead of the rotary inverter or other source.I learned o lot from you and others but I dont fully understood then how a stock one is wound.Now i know mainly how is wound but there are other ways of winding the coils.
First i tried to wind a stock one to get a hang of it.I wound it all coils clockwise(i saw electro using that style),and did not worked,then one cw one ccw...also did not work ,spending a lot of time making jigs for coils....etc.In the end i used komtek advice and wind it on a pipe but when i put the coil in the coils looked oval....and were to big,,,then i used a split piece of wood that was exactly the dim i need,,,then i made a trifiliar stator and conected the coils like in Stan's drawing and your skematic in the first posts.I made 4 turns per coil trifiliar,tested but not something spectacular happend with having the chokes,they acted like simple coils in series.and the coltage was around 60v
Donald your stator was a motorcraft almost like Stan's no??Can you give some specs on the dimensions of the stator,slot dimension.diameter....stock wire gauge used...number of turns...and what hapened to those 300v of your r-vic when you conect it to your cell?
Komtek gave me a book about alt but i want more you have books about alternators?
Hope we will see you more often here....cheers!