Author Topic: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly  (Read 238069 times)

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2009, 21:12:44 pm »
The first sentence, Tested electrical power loading 12.5dc @ 40 amps dc = 500 watts

Then he states 4.4 amps per tube, 4.44 * 9 Tubes = 39.96

"To Be Clear" He Full waved Rectified the alternator using only 2, or 3(Optional) Diodes. With a load 12.5 volts is then possible when there is a 40 amp Load, This would bring the 31.2 or so voltage down to 12.5. However, This could not happen across the 40 amp load if he would have full waved with 6 diodes, like we have been doing, he would have read about 25 volts across the load if he used 6 diodes.

The Voltage Across the load Depends upon the given voltage "power source," And load. In some cases, you can even bring house hold electrical power "120 volts" down to 110 volts if the load is great enough.

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2009, 11:15:52 am »
This one functions as a VIC, HV develops across the cells:

those V and A in the illustration are measured.
In my view, speed and more windings in the pick-up coils are variables for voltage across the pickups and towards the cell, HV, higher than 12.5V - yet 500 watt is sent to the coils and cells.

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2009, 12:38:41 pm »
The Photo Donaldwfc posted, Similar to yours, States at the Top.

12 Volts (Across One Tube) @ (4.44 Amps) Produces 46.6 Thousand Cc's of gas (Per Hour at 55.5 Watts)

This would mean One tube cell During The above test in the evaulation was producing 776.6 Cc's of gas per minute. Also, The Single Tube is Said to Produce 13 Cc's of Gas in one second. Again, For 9 tubes, Each tube producing 777 cc's per minute Multiplied by 9 tubes is 7 liters of gas Per minute, (Thats Impossible by the way/Unproven.)

It was said 12 volts was across the fuel cell during this test, Using the Rotary Pulse-Voltage Alternator. 5 volts was put into the rotor coil and it was intensified to 12.5 volts, Its clearly a voltage intensifier circuit, There is no argument there. The photo which you have provided is the schematic to the setup in the test of evaluation. The Circuits in the test of evaluation had simple flaws, Almost as if by accident. But for good cause.

It does not take a Genius to figure out why that report was documented the way it was. He simply did not want his circuits Replicated for some apparent reasone which is why they are "Flawed" in the test of evaulation report, The can not be constructed as drawn.

I do not doubt the circuit you posted to be the circuit stan was using, I feel as if he left nothing out of that, However, You guy's Seriously need to stop for a brief minute and take under consideration "What happened between stan and all the guys the day the evaulation report was documented and witnessed."

There is to much, Simply, "To Much" Evidence at hand that a Investigator or scientist can use to rule that test Bogus, Out of the roof. However, It is very fun to test these setups and continue on, With that said, You can not get something from absulutly nothing, you simply have to have something to start from if its just a "Black Hole," But if someone finds a black hole, "Someone had to put it there." Hope i didn't go over anyones head with that one hehe.

Continue on the road you wish to travel, These are just my comments, However, Resonance is key to efficiency & to add, If someone Manages 7 liters using this setup, "I will not be surprised," As the magic in the water is well over my head, By no means let anyone choose your way for you because the knowledge of water will never be fully known, Some force once parted it, I myself have never seen a ufo, If they are real, This could change many laws. 200 years from today, where will this technology be, Knowledge seems to grow, Or, How did they get the big rocks up there in the first place...

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2009, 15:48:35 pm »
That schematic and results are from the Delco Remy Alternator. I can't explain the results, except that all of us who have 'replicated' that circuit and system have all used different sized and shaped cells. The person that could verify these results most accurately would be MrBlueSky/neworleans, because his cell is pretty much exactly the same size and configuration. But even on that note, I think he uses spacers on his tubes, and Stan doesn't. I don't use spacers, my tubes can vibrate beautifully, but my cell is a lot smaller.

I believe the cell is specifically designed just as much like a musical instrument as it is an electrical instrument, and it is the optimum size to compliment the alternator he is powering it with, and all of us have not respected this relationship in our tests.

And even more than that, this topic is about the Rotary VIC, something none of you have ever built or tested, something that I had to figure out for myself, because nobody on the internet has ever before figured out it's design and shared it on the internet. I hope you'll build it and test it. I hope you'll give me input and suggestions and share your thoughts on it. I hope with some cooperation we can get some results.

The time, now, is to try new things, build new things, and ask new questions. We can discuss old things, and share experience, if it helps us move forward. This is a new topic, with new information, for new progress, and for new success.

Unipolar Crossover Voltage Pulse-Train, lets go!

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2009, 19:22:55 pm »
Whats that phrase,,, "Geter Done."  :P

Man, We need a wider selection of smiley faces!

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2009, 21:54:35 pm »
this is a perspective i came up a while back ago  of how the rotary vic was wired for each phase... 0-20 khz 50 percent duty pulse on primary.. i see the alternator having a center tap for each phase.. the center tap being tapped into the negative stainless choke in the multi spool bobbin..  see the copper wind being only one hooked to the stator output.. the stator neutrol ground going staight to ground... i see the outer copper choke constantly being hit and removing electrons to the point of being in a high positive vacuum charge around 2 stainless chokes.. i see the positive stainless being connected the primary side and is feeling the pulses primary is recieving. maybe causing some type of ruber band effect on the amplitude being broadcasted by the positive stainless into resonant cavity...  i dont know.. never had the money to try to experiment with it. ignore the copper negative choke i have drawn in the pic i do not think its needed.. 

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2009, 23:57:10 pm »

I have a radiation tester, and for fun i checked how strong the radiation field was around the alternator with 8 volt on rotor at about 3200 rpm with a two platecell in a bucket of water.

I had to step back more than 78" !!! ( 2 meters ) away before the alarm beeping stopped and red lights become green!!! So we are exposed to heavy high frequency radiation near an alternator i action... strong field.. Maybe Meyer died of radiation danmages....... maybe i should remote control the setup....or start it with a long cable..could be a good idea for explosion safety too.. :D

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2009, 16:34:29 pm »
Warp,I can assure you that the diagram of the Rotory Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator is true to form.I have had the chance to see the inside of that box,and it matches exactly!I will also be getting a chance to open up the alternator soon to see if it's the original one Stan used.I will be working with the owner to put something together soon to release to the public.We have a few ideas to put together,so stay tuned.
Also I have made my own alternator like show in the diagram,with only three diodes.Still need more testing later.Right now I am on the vic stuff.