AC into the Rotor
thats not what im saying.. im thinking analog into primarys of a regular core transformers... stan says 5vdc volts into rotor.. the rotors geometrical shape is a analog generator.. my point is the secondary on a regular non rotary vic in torroid form is getting analog of a positive polarity sine.. like the pulse rate can be variable to tune and is a 50% duty cycle.. the transistor that is triggering the wave going to vic primary has a analog voltage as a source that is variable with the amplitude control circuit.. most have a transistor hooked to 12 volts and are gating that to a coil that is wrong.. it must be taking the 12 volts and make it analog... your transistor output will be a constant variable voltage peak to peak with a variable frequency up to 10khz chopping it up... to goto primary
for the solid cor vic
you need a 12 volt analog generator its the power source and must be variable in frequency..
it must maintain a 12 volt peak to peak constant and is variable in freq that can push the amp requirement needed in primary.. this analog signal is a freq range that is tuning in with rpms and injection for a car.. we will first experiment with a variable by hand control freq for observation stage which we are at
then you need a amplitude control circuit to be able to make that 12 volt source variable from 1-12 volts.. so it is regulating to lower volt analog from source analog.. you take the amplitude control circuit output and connect it to the cell driver circuit which is taking the analog variable that is coming from amplitude control and its chopping it up to a 50 percent duty cycle coming from pll circuit locking onto the resonant freq.. so it best we make a pll and use it to drive it since its constantly changing its not worth the time varying for observation
the alternator is making a analog signal that is variable in amplitude by input voltage to rotor.. that varible is reffered to as the amplitude control in above solid core version vic.. now im trying to grasp how he tunes the alternator into resonance.. . by varying the speed of the rotor is like the analog generator for the core transformer version. which is varying the freq to tune into the peak to peak consumption from the motor.. (matching peak outputs to injection cycles).. so how does stan pulse the cell with the alternator version??? is it the 3 phase freq and the speed of the rotor what tunes in?? is it possible to pulse to rotor up to 10khz and have it do the same thing as a cell driver circuit? i dont know but its getting clearer..