AC into the Rotor... try it, only takes removing your bridge rectifier, 5 minute test.
It doesn't seam logical to me to try this method and expect it to work, there is absolutely nothing to back this up in Stan's work, but who can argue with something that takes 5 minutes to test, go for it.
You want to start messing around with variable frequency AC into the rotor, go for it, it's not based on Stan's documentation and unless you have the equipment on hand it would, in my opinion, be a waste of effort.
As far as the alternating magnetic field that sweeps through the stator as the rotor turns, remember that the diodes stop conducting for the negative portion of the cycle, therefore the stator is "off". The only concern here is the collapsing magnetic field, which we want, and how the reversed magnetic field from the rotor will influence that. I mentioned this on the very first page of this topic.
Keep in mind that the RVIC works with this reversing magnetic field, true it is not in the solid state VIC. All that tells us is that it is not needed.