The electric motor for Stans demo cell is one hp.It is a large ford alternator.I've seen it first hand and it was at 1725 rpm.The pulley ratio is @ 2:1.
As for the 7 psi equals 7 litres,test it.Just take a one litre bottle and presurize it to 7 psi,then do a inverted bottle test and see what comes out.Also remember that once the pressure is gone you still have one litre left in the test bottle.
Easy enough to test.
Yes, The alternator Produced 12.5 volts at 40 amps, 500 watts of electrical energy. The Driver motor you say is rated for 1 Hp, It is very Understandable that not all of the Hp was needed to cause 500 watts to appear out the alternator, However if there was 1000 watts going to the fuel cell that 1 Hp motor could not have handled it.
Why do i point this out? This Confirms stan full waved with 2 diodes, The voltage across the cell also confirms it. If he Full waved with 6 diodes there would have been higher voltage across the cell, and more current flow would be needed, And, More gas would have been produced.
If you fill a 1 liter bottle up with Air, and pressureize it to 7 Psi, you would think there would be 7 liters there, However test confirms that is not the case. The way you worded that can very well cause doubts because just by reading it the reading is thinking, "I has to be 7 liters" by dynodons method.
I stated, "I done such a test as you described, and the results for 7 Psi in a 1 liter cavity was 500 cc's of gas measured." If there had have been 1 liter left in the cavity at "0" Pressure then just add that to the 500 cc measured, 1.5 liters. But, that is also not so, I would have be "Dancing around the room."
If that was so, I would have been running engines a long time ago.
However, I mentioned a while ago that I had a secret to share, that i would have to shoot a video. I have not got around to do ing this. It is related to Pulsing pressure out of a Volume cylinder containing any gas. The test shows what you have pointed out about the 1 liter staying in the cavity, However, Capping it with a Psi gauge, "You can watch the pressure rise." I will video this when i get the time.
The test Proves that Pulsing/Releasing Gas spirts at high pressures can cause a Growth to accure inside the cavity, and the growth can be Read using a Psi Gauge which is why it will take a Video to explain such a thing.
In other words, It is possible to Pulse out gas, and Remain at a high Psi, Something happens to the mass of the gas when the "Pressure changes" inside the cylinder. It could be that the liquide synthetic gas created by .05 liter is equal to 7 liters of hydroxy gas.
Now, everyone understands something "Strange" about that test report, And when someone confirms what i'm saying to be true it will be even stranger. Lets wait and see what donald says after he tests the cavity, Lets see if the results are suprising to him.