49 Ohms for the rotor of my delco remy... measured from the input posts.
when i measured the resistance on my motorcraft alternator I measured from the slip rings.
I wonder what this has to do with the function of the alternator, or the function of the RVIC
I have been doing some thinking, and some measurements on some pictures, and I agree with Dynodon, that Stan's RVIC used 18 gage wire, and Stan's chokes in the plate cell also used 18 gage wire. Now I am thinking more in the context of comparing the RVIC to the plate cell VIC.
Why use 18 gage wire? It's pretty thick wire. It allows amps through...
18 gage wire has 6.358 Ohms/1000 feet, compared to the 30 gage wire I used which has 103.2 Ohms/1000 feet
I have about 2800 feet of wire in the RVIC ~ 96 ohms/phase
Stan's RVIC... at a rough guess ~ 0.6 to 0.7 ohms per phase
In the chokes for the plate cell VIC a rough guess would be ~ 0.2 ohms
The plate cell Chokes have 28*4 = 112 turns in total
I have 50 turns per loop of 30 gage (0.010")
Kevin says 30 turns per loop of 24 gage (0.020")
A guess would be 15-18 turns of 18 gage (0.040")
Which means he has 5-6 turns per loop per coil, so 60-72 turns per coil, 180-216 turns per phase, 1130-1356 feet of wire per phase.
Why use 18 gage wire? Yes, this is the early system, start simple, get it to work... then improve on that...
This would certainly be easier to make, only 540-648 turns for the whole alternator, compared with 5400 turns in mine... KISS...
I think I will try and get another alternator or another stator and wind an RVIC with 18 gage wire... test that as well as the 30 gage...