Author Topic: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly  (Read 238052 times)

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #240 on: January 02, 2010, 03:39:06 am »
now  for some reason i feel it may be like this pic... have a single looped heaveier gauged wire in all 33 windows being considered a secondary...  and the chokes are the ones in every 3rd window haveing 11 total and being 330 degrees of interaction.. this gives a more constant duty on the secondary which i think is a way you can create a more pure source signal.. while the 11 loops of chokes are reacting to the poles with a 50 percent duty sine wave since they are in every 3rd window slot being 30 degrees out from each other...   like i said earlier the poles are oppositly top dead center every 3rd slot. so when one slot has the noth rotor pole over it dead center then the other side of that same loop has the negative top dead center.   when the rotor  spins it creates the oscillation with a 50 percent time share of poles..  negative can push an electron and positive can pull...  since a rotor spins one direction it can create the effect of unipolar currents..

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #241 on: January 02, 2010, 07:29:44 am »
Not sure I understand you there outlaw, I'll take another look in the morning.

Using different gage wire for the secondary might have some beneficial effect, but if it works with different size wire, it would work with the same size wire, I don't think this is a determining factor, it's all about the circuit, the this is the same VIC, only it's 3 phase, you have everything this VIC has, just working in a slightly different way than the solid-state VIC Coil. Working on understanding the alternator and the VIC at the same time really helped me figure out some things, because they are accomplishing the same task.

I think Stan used thicker wire in his alternator than I am using, but he used much much thinner wire in the solid state VIC... so as long as it is wound right then the wire size shouldn't matter too much, only that more turns gives higher voltage. I'm happy with the 30 gage, it's thin but still strong enough that I never had any concerns about breaking it while winding the coils.

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #242 on: January 02, 2010, 13:46:48 pm »
what i see donald is a alternator can be looked at like a circuit.. dependending on the config of the wind... im saying secondary is in 33 windows  out of 36 and the chokes are in 11 out of 36...the spacing of the 11 is just like a reg single phase wind on the alternator... since sec is in 33 out of 36 it has way more interaction with the rotor during operation and being in 33 windows if you were to read the wave coming from the sec i think it would be a purer form of dc.. menaing the seconday being in 33 windows doesnt have a 50 percent sine but more of a constant displacement (DC) while the chokes config on the core takes on the duty cycle aka freq.. this means when the chokes are generating the freq and the secondary plays the role of a power soucre providing a constant source...  i think if u can see this u see that stan did it to eliminate the need of a scr to contol the duty cycle to the chokes.. he relied on gemometrical confirguration of poles to do his on and off switching... the top pics are wrong i beleave i had it backwards on labeling secondary and chokes..

secondary in the pic below being a dual bifilar with a center tap heavier gauge loop wound in the same direction as the chokes, being in 33 consecutive windows out of 36  (10 degree spaced totaling 330 degrees) interacts with the rotor in 33 locations on the core... will not generate a sine wave but a more contstant repetition unidirectional current... now really focus on this.... what happens when u wind dual bifilar secondarys like i shown the choke being wound on my first drawing....  meaning a weaving pattern in the stator??? in each window u will have aiding fields moving all electrons in one direction in the windows, but one wire will be sending electrons in the opposite direction around the core.. and if these dual secondaries were connected at each end they would be creating circulating current within the secondaries constantly..... then the chokes being conected to this circulating source of electrons have the opportunity to give in take during its rotor pulses of the 50 percent duty.. while the circulation of these electrons are constantly aiding in maintainling displacment due to the fact of it being constant displacemnet brought on by secondaries constant current in each window (while rotor is on) i...

ex 100 rpm of a 6 pole rotor is 600 hz
stan said he was around 10khz, 10khz is 1666rpm (constant speed electric motor)

i dont know how u would go about locking on to 3 phases and pulsing the rotor.. maybe locking one is all thats needed..

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #243 on: January 02, 2010, 15:10:14 pm »
A quick comment on the pic above of the "Voltage Sync Pulse". For those of you not so knowledgeable of electronic circuits, that circuit is known as a "Voltage Divider". You can find more info under that wording. A lot of what Stan did with his inventions, is use existing technology and change the names. I'm sure it was for patent reasons. Such as the "Electron Extraction Circuit" is nothing more than a gas(air) ionizer. Only his works in reverse compared to the household versions that produce Ozone. Another, "Electron Inhibitor" is nothing more than a resistor.

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #244 on: January 02, 2010, 15:18:26 pm »
im finding some contradictions in my new views but i do beleive i am heading the right direction in understanding the rotary vic and its ability to displace charge in repetition (freq) while main

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #245 on: January 02, 2010, 20:40:40 pm »
outlaw, I really don't see what you are getting at, I'm using all 36 windows, i'm using loops, not weaving, I think weaving would be ridiculously hard.

The circuit is always 50% duty cycle because the rotor gives AC but the stator only takes the positive voltage due to the diodes half wave rectifying it.

Bubz, I agree, Stan was re-naming stuff to suit his purpose and naming it with descriptive terms that better explain what he is trying to accomplish, rather than get trapped in the conventional understanding of electronics terms

it may seam weird to call the alternator set up a "rotary pulse voltage frequency generator assembly", but that is actually a perfect name, way better than "modified alternator" which doesn't tell you anything at all.

"rotary pulse voltage frequency generator assembly"
rotary - rotating electrical generator
voltage - voltage is important, not amps
frequency - generates a frequency waveform
generator - the assembly does all this stuff
assembly - it's a combination of elements that gives the desired output

same thing with amp inhibitor.... it describes how you are actually trying to inhibit amps, resistors are used for this, sure, but it's just a more direct way of describing the function of the device.

voltage sync pulse.... just describing how the positive and negative pulses are in sync in reference to voltage and voltage amplitude

you could make up your own "Stanley Meyer Dictionary" that translates his terms to conventional terms, tho I think much more information is given in his terms to the application of the device or component or system.

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #246 on: January 02, 2010, 20:57:57 pm »
here is pic of the alternator that i highlighted the unknown wind for a better view of whats going on... i also outline how it appea it could be 2 wire and it could be just one....  but this wind style is interacting will every window,. donald look real close at the right side of the alternator and you will see 3 slots and not being used for winds....

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #247 on: January 03, 2010, 02:18:27 am »
outlawstc,I don't think your seeing the windings right.Look at the picture below.I added colored lines to show the three winding better.I also circled the winding closest to the rotor.You can see a pattern when viewed with the colored lines.