Author Topic: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly  (Read 238204 times)

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #168 on: November 15, 2009, 01:02:14 am »
Also if you read about dielectric breakdown you'll learn that when the dielectric fails, all the voltage is transformed into a surge of amps, but this can't happen in the wfc because the chokes prevent this surge of amps.

thats what im saying. what if for the resonance  you are cutting off amplitude right before that surge of amps every time?

im thinking my rotor will hold 48 inches per lap around the core.. im thinking each phase will hold 100 laps total..  i did some math and came to 400 feet on the nose per phase counting the secondary and the bifillars
27 gauge has 51.44 ohms per 1000 feet
around one ohm per 20 feet..

im not sure of the wind ratio for the secondary and chokes.. any ideas onthat donald?

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #169 on: November 15, 2009, 01:19:20 am »
I would make all the secondary/chokes exactly the same size, same amount of turns, same length of wire, identical coils, except chokes are wound bifilar.

thats what im saying. what if for the resonance  you are cutting off amplitude right before that surge of amps every time?

no, the cutting off of the pulses is not needed to stop the amp surge, the chokes do this all by themselves, all the time, this is what they do, this is how you restrict amps in a dead short condition, the reason you need to restrict amps is to maintain voltage across the water during dielectric failure, to keep the process going continuously, this is one reason why you have two chokes, the other reason why you have two chokes is so that you can get equal and opposite voltage applied to the plates. I've also been looking into isolated ground, more to learn here, but this is significant too, as others have already said.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 04:25:18 am by Donaldwfc »

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #170 on: November 22, 2009, 21:43:28 pm »
I have some thoughts on the whole process, that will help tie together what is happening.

To split the water molecule with the electrical polarization process you need a DC voltage force to pull them apart.

Stan says this may be a static DC voltage force, but pulsing increases the efficiency and acts as a dynamic force.

Amp restriction is not fundamentally required in the process, but to have [relatively] high voltage and high amps at the same time would imply that both electrolysis and the electrical polarization process are occurring simultaneously at a fundamental level, although both are acting inefficiently!

In electrolysis, about 2 volts are required, above this the voltage will act to perform the electrical polarization process, but your amp flow will reduce the amount of voltage you can maintain.

Amp flow will consume your applied voltage, so to maintain your applied voltage you need to restrict the amps. It is at this point when the efficiency of the electrical polarization process will skyrocket, and the electrolysis that is happening simultaneously will cease.

The key points i am trying to make are that:
1. DC voltage is required for the Electrical Polarization Process
2. Electrolysis and the Electrical Polarization Process can occur simultaneously, but both poor efficiency
3. Amp flow consumes your voltage force, restricting amps allows voltage force to take over.
4. When the above happens, electrolysis ceases and the Electrical Polarization Process becomes effective

Now lets look at a few things:
1. Conventional Deregulated Delco Remy Alternator, and it's Circuit and Output
2. Compare above to VIC
3. Rotary VIC, compared to both

First, the Delco Circuit

Look at this as a single phase.
This is a Secondary, and a Diode, and not grounded.
We can think of the Diode as the Blocking Diode from the VIC, really this is a VIC without chokes, and without a ground. The blocking diode keeps it DC just like we need it too.


The output of this is DC voltage, and amps, and since it is not grounded, there is no reference, so the DC voltage should be equal and opposite to the plates. Because there is DC voltage, this will perform the Electrical Polarization Process. Because there are amps, this will do it poorly, because voltage can't be maintained, and it will also perform electrolysis simultaneously, but also poorly.

So we have half of the VIC, but amp restriction would be nice, that will stop our voltage from dropping. Higher voltage would be cool too.

So how about we add some chokes, they will restrict amps, and maintain voltage. We should use two chokes, one on each side of the secondary, and we should keep them the same size too and wind them bifilar, because we really want that equal and opposite DC voltage to pull on our water molecule.

Lets put one choke after the blocking diode. Since our alternator is producing AC and we are half wave rectifying it, it means we are pulling out a 50% duty cycle DC, so our diode will also double our pulsing frequency too.

Lets wrap it up in a three phase system again, so we'll need some isolation diodes to keep our chokes from interfering with each other in the phase waveform.

That should look something like this:

We're still not grounding it, so there is no voltage reference, we should get equal and opposite voltage to each plate. Or we could ground it between the secondary and the bottom choke, and we should still get equal and opposite voltage because our chokes are the same length and wound bifilar.

Now we still have a DC voltage output, but we have restricted our amps, so we have eliminated the electrolysis, and the drain on our voltage. This should perform the electrical polarization process a lot more efficiently.

We can even use finer wire, and get a higher voltage out of it.

If we compare this to what we know as the VIC, we can see that each phase looks exactly like the VIC, except for the addition of the isolation diode, and we know if it was only single phase, the isolation diode is not needed, so they accomplish the same thing.

In fact, the components of the RVIC have the same reference numbers as those in the VIC! that means when he's talking about them in the Tech Brief they have the same function!

Now, our chokes are going to be chokes even if they don't resonate, if they did resonate, we would have a series resonance with the cell, actually we would have a double series resonance with the cell from both sides. Since I don't think the tubular array will resonate, I'll skip my ideas on resonance for now.

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #171 on: November 22, 2009, 23:26:03 pm »

"Now, our chokes are going to be chokes even if they don't resonate, if they did resonate, we would have a series resonance with the cell,
actually we would have a double series resonance with the cell from both sides. Since I don't think the tubular array will resonate, I'll skip my ideas on resonance for now."

My thoughts:
Forget the resonance with WFC di-pole, the VIC is only internally in "resonance".
The self resonance is created in the choke inductors L1-L2  "Capacitive Reactance"?
Check Tesla bifilar spiral coils patent. Chokes induction is minimized or canceled out, thus low amps?
Resonance is only needed for more efficient HV potential generation at the WFC di-pole.
Important are the L1-L2 chokes, because they must be equal.
That's why SM has a variable "TUNED" inductor symbol drawn in a "SYMBOLIC DIAGRAM".


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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #172 on: November 23, 2009, 00:00:02 am »
The bifilar chokes are not wound like Tesla's Patent, the choke induction is maximized, I posted this on the other page, but it is extremely important.

"Forget the resonance with WFC di-pole, the VIC is only internally in "resonance". "
You are partly right, it's not a "water resonance", it's the fact that water becomes "part" of the electronic circuit as it forms the dielectric of the capacitor, so when you "tune into the dielectric properties of water" it means you tune into the water capacitor and resonate it as a capacitor with your inductor. But this is for the Resonant WFC, not the tubular array because it's too unstable to resonate.

Side note, does anyone know how you could find the inductance of an alternator? and what this would depend on?

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #173 on: November 23, 2009, 13:11:48 pm »
The bifilar chokes are not wound like Tesla's Patent, the choke induction is maximized, I posted this on the other page, but it is extremely important.

"Forget the resonance with WFC di-pole, the VIC is only internally in "resonance". "
You are partly right, it's not a "water resonance", it's the fact that water becomes "part" of the electronic circuit as it forms the dielectric of the capacitor, so when you "tune into the dielectric properties of water" it means you tune into the water capacitor and resonate it as a capacitor with your inductor. But this is for the Resonant WFC, not the tubular array because it's too unstable to resonate.

Side note, does anyone know how you could find the inductance of an alternator? and what this would depend on?

I am sure you know the LCR meter trick.....So what do you mean?

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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #174 on: November 23, 2009, 13:52:20 pm »
The bifilar chokes are not wound like Tesla's Patent, the choke induction is maximized, I posted this on the other page, but it is extremely important.

"Forget the resonance with WFC di-pole, the VIC is only internally in "resonance". "
You are partly right, it's not a "water resonance", it's the fact that water becomes "part" of the electronic circuit as it forms the dielectric of the capacitor, so when you "tune into the dielectric properties of water" it means you tune into the water capacitor and resonate it as a capacitor with your inductor. But this is for the Resonant WFC, not the tubular array because it's too unstable to resonate.

Side note, does anyone know how you could find the inductance of an alternator? and what this would depend on?

Ok, then explain why Stan described in Memo WFC 425 Fig 6-1 (580) choke (56/62) as (Tesla No.512,340 Jan 9, 1894!!!) 
"Dual Resonant coils (56/62) Bifilar spiral wrap coils"?

Yes, the total inductance fields are aiding one another, as explained by the indicator mark.

When operated at resonance, the distributed capacitance of the bifilar coil is able to overcome the counter - electromotive force (e.m.f.) normal to coils, inductive reactance.

Because of the electrical activity, a bifilar coil does not work against itself in the form of a counter - e.m.f., the potential across the coil quickly builds to a high value.
The difference between the turns becomes great enough that the energy is practically all potential, at this point, the system becomes an electrostatic oscillator.

Tesla's claim:
"1. A coil for electric apparatus the adjacent convolutions of which form parts of the circuit between which there exists a potential difference sufficient to secure in the coil a capacity capable of neutralizing its self-induction, as herein before described.
2. A coil composed of contiguous or adjacent insulated conductors electrically connected in series and having a potential difference of such value as too give to the coil as a whole, a capacity sufficient to neutralize its self-induction, as set forth."


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Re: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator Assembly
« Reply #175 on: November 23, 2009, 14:24:59 pm »
Steve, I guess you could measure the inductance after you build it, but before you build it... anyway I did some research and read half of a PHD thesis on it from some electrical engineer, and it was pretty complex, so oh well. I may just get an inductance meter when I'm rich...

Webmug, there are several differences between the Tesla bifilar and the chokes, and it is important to note that you don't want to cancel out any inductance, self inductance, or mutual inductance. the whole point of the chokes is to use a magnetic field to restrict the electrons movement.

You'll note that Tesla's bifilar coil is ONE coil, bifilar wound about itself,
where as these chokes are TWO coils, bifilar wound about each other.

Read again tesla's claims, the first one he is talking about increasing capacitance, this is also happening in stans coils, but tesla's is one coil and Stan's is two separate coils, and the second claim is for the two parts of the bifilar to be connected in series, while in stans they are not in series, there is a [water] capacitor in between. If you really wanted too you could wind each of stan's chokes bifilar like Tesla describes, and then the two chokes would never even touch each other.