A 3 Phase Generator Can Produce Harmonics, At a "Certain RPM" and at a "Certain Amplitude" Harmonics Exist!
Now, Today, you understand that the Right Rpm, With the Right Amplitude will Produce Harmonics.
1. Ohms Law Incorperated. If you know the Speed of (Rotor), and if you know the Amplitude, You can Calculate the Frequency of which these harmonics happen.
2. If you know the (Freq) at which the harmonics happen, and you know the Amplitude, you can calculate the Needed Rpm.
3. If you know the Speed of Rotor, and you know the freq of harmonics, you can calculate the Amplitude.
Gaining harmonics is Possible at many Rotor Speeds, it is possible at many amplitudes, and it gernates many frequencys of harmonics. It happens that the Water Fuel Cell likes the harmonics produced at 3500 Rpms, "That Area."
These Harmonics Can Contain Other Frequencys on them, Not only are they harmonics but when you use a pwm you can Insert Other Frequencys on these harmonics that can cause viberations. Just like Tesla stated;
Any change of behaviour of a coil Can be transmitted Amplified and picked up, "Harmonics Can Too Carry Information." Just as the am or Fm Radio.
The Harmonics in My Case, At 3500 Rpm, Carrys a Signal produced from a 700Hz to 1k hertz pwm Which produces Square waves with Harmonics Riding On the top of these Square waves, The Amplitude to the rotor is around 5 to 8 volts, And in them harmonics is more waves.
When you are Looping the output of the alternator to its Input Rotor using the Loop Methode Square waves are Produced, The Current flow from the stator is Restricted by the Fet wich acts as a resistor at a Frequency which Pules width modulates the rotor, This causes Square waves to be read across the fuel cell when using an oscilloscope and in them square waves are harmonics at the top, In them harmonics is Viberating waves that most oscilloscopes can not see.
A 3 Dioded Alternator FULL waved Rectified Produces Higher Amplitude Harmonics, Using 6 Diodes to full wave Rectify Produces Lower Amplitude Harmonics, You can Full wave Rectify with 2 diodes, ("2") or 6. When using 2 the voltage will be much higher and resonance will be much Lower, when using 6 the voltage will be much Lower and the resonance will be much higher.
As seen on the scope, 2 diodes at resonance produces Tall Harmonics, 6 Produces very small harmonics.
The RPM is Related to ("Harmonics") which is an phenonomon of 3 phase electricity. Why can you Make the alternators Output Feed its input? Because it is Moving with Kinetic energy which is why it is not perpetual motion. What is the advantage of an alternator (Transformer) over other Transformers, Why was it selected? It moves, Feeding itself from its own produced energy is just 1 advantages, There are Many others.
This Wave From Simply Tickles the water, When will you figure out stan did not run his car on the alternator. The alternator is a Simple Device that can take you Days to understand! But it is simple.
If you do not disect it, and make your self learn what each part does you will always be in wonder, However The alternator is ("Only a Transformer") with advantages over other transformers because Kinetic energy controls it meaning what is not possible with normal transformers May be possible with this transformer.
Theres so much to an alternator, To much to explain and most forgotten.
Rpm, Revolution Per Minute. If it spins at 3 Thousand Revs Per Min, How Many Times does the Rotor Rake across the Stator? There is Plenty math to be done on any alternator, Each is different. Not All Alternators work at 3500 Rpm's because some are Smaller, Their rotors may not contain 8 or so Poles, Some contain 6 or etc,,. Wye and delta differs also, Wye is for longer distances and delta for shorter, I've worked with both and Delta is the stuff.
Thats just a small comment from me on the alternators, In My Mind, Stan was not running that car on that Tube cell, A Tube cell Can Never Produce 7 liters of gas per min of that size, More like 500 CC's if you push it. "If he ran that car, He was hiding something." However, Resonance across a fuel cell is very nice to view, As i have viewed it, But no special Production in gas output. In all my setups the max of my production was 600 cc's using 12 tubes, Its a wast of time and money, it is clearly not what he was doing. Allthough, it is not a wast of money if it thrills you to do stuff like that, You pay to play, Eventually you'll see this is not the setup, Then comes the question,, what was really under the hood?