Author Topic: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"  (Read 18055 times)

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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2009, 08:46:49 am »
Very nice Logic!
I cannot say for sure, but, if Steve had an accurate meter reading true RMS, then it is possible that the extra wattage discrepancy despite lower duty cycle could be from electron collisions.

I doubt I will ever see the MEST or CEST software (as they are NASA tools, and carry a hefty price tag)....but I did find this.

Going over the document now, but it looks like it could help out.

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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2009, 09:16:47 am »
Very nice Logic!
I cannot say for sure, but, if Steve had an accurate meter reading true RMS, then it is possible that the extra wattage discrepancy despite lower duty cycle could be from electron collisions.

I doubt I will ever see the MEST or CEST software (as they are NASA tools, and carry a hefty price tag)....but I did find this.

Going over the document now, but it looks like it could help out.
Steve has a true rms meter... ;)

Nice topic!

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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2009, 09:22:10 am »
Thx Radiant_1  :)

I also remember Bob B saying the bubbles form between the plates, not on them,  just before his and Watkykjy's stuff burned out.

The document you linked to seems to be the same guys with the software.
I think the software could be invaluble in predicting and controlling this phenomenon.
I will keep looking.

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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2009, 09:51:23 am »
I believe this Multipactor effect explains a mysterious glow observed by WFC replicator Ravi....he sent me an email describing a faint glow in between the tubes.
Imagine that the water is the neutral gas atoms in this example of CR (or Corona effect)
In MP, the discharge occurs at vacuum, and is caused by the collision of electrons with the walls. In CR, the discharge occurs
at low pressures, with the presence of a gas in the waveguide and is produced by ionization of the gas neutral atoms. For
certain pressure ranges, we may find both kind of processes (ionization and wall collisions) contributing to the discharge.
This region is known as Multipactor plasma

I believe he was witnessing Multipactor Plasma

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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2009, 10:11:12 am »
I believe this Multipactor effect explains a mysterious glow observed by WFC replicator Ravi....he sent me an email describing a faint glow in between the tubes.
Imagine that the water is the neutral gas atoms in this example of CR (or Corona effect)
In MP, the discharge occurs at vacuum, and is caused by the collision of electrons with the walls. In CR, the discharge occurs
at low pressures, with the presence of a gas in the waveguide and is produced by ionization of the gas neutral atoms. For
certain pressure ranges, we may find both kind of processes (ionization and wall collisions) contributing to the discharge.
This region is known as Multipactor plasma

I believe he was witnessing Multipactor Plasma

I believe Warp (hydrocars) also seen glows in his wfc replication.


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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2009, 22:12:11 pm »
I was given these two links...haven't downloaded the programs yet because I am out and about....will try them out when I get home.

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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2009, 23:40:54 pm »
Fastimports sent me this link , I dunno if he has a real replication thi

here the message

You are exactly on the money. When this is pulsed to Mod Transformer there is a standing square wave that looks like Stans ramp charging affect he often shows. It would be nice to be able to push this signal @ about 200volts for experimenting purposes. I can only get up to about 40volts with audio amplifier.


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Re: Multipactor effect and "Resonant Cavity"
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2009, 05:06:55 am »
Just a note on changing the polarity. Does anyone else recall what Stan designed for the ...water holding tank for the car application? It was a circuit that changed polarity constantly at a very fast rate. This would Oscillate the water molecules causing friction in turn heating the water keeping it from freezing. Theoretically it could even super heat the water instantaneously if designed correctly. I know that this doesent really apply to what you are talking about here but it does show that "VIC" idea was applied to almost everything and everything would require a different configuration. I think it would benefit people to get a final goal in mind. Something like running a car or getting a torch so stay light solely on a WFC. Then you will have something to design toward. Otherwise you are just trying to make a random VIC or a random resonant cavity with an infinite amount of variables. Make a bullseye and shoot for it. So you want an electron extraction circuit to power a lightbulb OK great! but what are you extracting electrons from? Water? Ambient Air? are you going to use laser injection? are you going to try something more basic without lasers? This isn't really aimed at anyone particular its just the questions i ask myself. Any way I have made a stepping stone goal system for myself and I'm working on it as we speak. Stone 1: Rotary Pulse Voltage Frequency Generator-------Check
I found that it will not produce enough fast enough to sustain even the smallest flame. Thats the problem with a Proof of Concept, it only proves a concept!
Stone 2: Ill let you know when I'm standing on it! 
I guess all im saying is that it seems like people are doing alot of trying to figure out one small component of a very large system. To me it seems like we need the whole sywstem in place and then mess with the variables like the # of winds on the VIC or what type of wire its made out of or what configuration works the best. In other words built the entire electron extraction circuit conplete with a resonant cavity and then if it doesent work right change something.