I wonder if actually quantifying the power being applied to the cell, in both straight and pulsed power setups would help "proof"the concept.
This would need to be done with a possibly smaller cell due to power limitations of batteries, but the procedure might be as follows:
R C modelers are quite adept at quantifying the capacities of their on-board battery packs. They [capacities]determne the craft's performance and survivability. Hardware is available in the form of in-line power meters, recording charger and discharge cyclers, as well as other devices that actually count the electrons, as it were, applied to charging a pack.
Using what is available, power your cell in question with just such a pack to a predetermined discharge voltage, straight DC. Wait a predetermined period of time, [cooldown] and then recharge the pack. Record the mA required to return the pack to full charge. Now repeat the process several times, and you will get a clear picture of how many milliamps of current were applied to the cell to produce "X" volume of gas till the pack reaches the discharge threshold.
Now, using the very same pack, apply the pulsed approach to the cell, cut off at the same voltage, and measure output. Repeat as above, counting the mA for the charge as what was applied for gas production.
[note- the charger will terminate charge at the same point regardess of discharge load. Be sure to monitor pack temperature, as this affects charge reception (warm packs take less)]
Now the above seems a bit arduous at best, but it should provide some hard numbers on how much power was actually delivered to a cell over time, weighted against actual gas output.
I have all the equipment for such a test, but have yet to try it. If I may, I will use the above frequency and and duty cycle to perform a similar test in a couple weeks. This would be valuable information if I get similar results.
And even if I don't get similar results it would be interesting to see the comparatives between what our power meters say we used, and what the actual battery mA delivered sez. Methinks we shall see a gap. More on that later