Ok, to make it a little bit more clear here. This is NOT a Stan Meyer 5mA circuit.
This is a working, proven, electrolysis circuit, which provides a better result then a normal DC circuit.
So, this circuit uses AMPS and VOLTS.
In my case, i have a 60 plate drycell. That cell runs on about150VDC, give and take.
That means that the coils of that circuit are seeing a 150V pulsed voltage with an 8 Amp current.
During the duty time, the coils are getting fully charged. A magnetic field is createwd.
When the mark / off time of the cycle comes in, the magnetic field collapses and the BEMF puls of the coils will hit the wfc BIG TIME.
@Haithair: The BEMF pulse is in joules pretty big. The BEMF puls will be short. Meaning HV and high amps in a very short time periode. mS or uS. Because that puls is short, the Mark / off time is kept to a minimum.
Thats the reason why the diodes are so large. Smaller ones, like the 1n4007 are blown up by the spike.
So in scheme of all this, you must try to use a core as big as possible. And wire that is not too small.
All our efforts with small cores and thiny wire didnt give much results. Thats why Stan used 36Volts.
Thats why Boyce is using like 200Volts.
And thats why I use150Volts.